DCDB Leaderboard
DCDB Cube Rule Book
1.000 - General
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1.010: Power, abilities and effects created by a card will last until the end of that turn, even if the card leaves play before the end of the turn, with the exception of effects generated by the keyword Ongoing. Refer to the Ongoing keyword rulings for clarification.
1.011: Ex. 1: A player plays a Punch [Starter, Base Set], Dark Portal [Super Power, Teen Titans Go!], Kid Flash [Hero, Base Set] and a Johnny Quick [Villain, Forever Evil], giving the player 1 Power. At this point they use Starfire [MC, Teen Titans] to destroy the Punch they played earlier in the turn. After destroying the Punch, the player still has 1 Power.
1.020: When a card is bought, destroyed, gained, passed, played, etc its attributes are recorded at that time.
1.021: Ex. 1: A player has Wonder Woman [MC, Base Set] and buys Element Woman [Hero, Forever Evil] from the Line-Up. Although Element Woman is a Villain once the player owns it, Wonder Woman does not trigger because Element Woman was not a Villain when bought.
1.022: Ex. 2: A player has Doctor Fate [MC, Crossover 1] and plays Cadmus Labs [Location, Teen Titans] and Infinity Island [Location, Crisis 4] (generating +1 Power from Fate), followed by Computo [Villain, Crossover 2]. The player then plays Jump City [Location, Teen Titans Go]. Doctor Fate will trigger for playing three consecutive cards based on Cadmus Labs (6 cost), Infinity Island (7 cost) and Jump City (5 cost); this is because although the costs of all three Locations are five (due to Computo) their attributes were recorded at the time they were played and the game remembers these values even though Computo changed the card stats afterwards.
1.030: In order to play a card again, the card you want to play again must be in the zone it resolved in and it must be fully resolved. The 'played again' card is treated as a new instance of the original card, while maintaining all attributes of the original.
1.031: Ex. 1: If you play a Time Traveled card again, the replayed card will return to the Line-Up at the end if the turn as usual.
1.032: Ex. 2: If you play a Team Worked card again, the replayed card will return to the top of its owner's deck when it leaves play.
1.033: Ex. 3: If you use Garfield Logan [Hero, Teen Titans] to make your next card also have the type Hero, then play a Kick [Super Power, Base Set], then Clayface [Villain, Base Set] the Kick, the replayed Kick is both a Hero and Super Power.
1.034: Ex. 4: If you play Amnesty Bay [Location, Confrontations], use its ability, and then play Clayface [Villain, Base Set] and choose Amnesty Bay, the new Amnesty Bay will remember that the Ongoing ability has been used, and it cannot be used again this turn.
1.040: If a card or ability would interact with a card you have played, that card must still be in the zone it resolved in for it to be interacted with.
1.041: Ex. 1: A player uses Killer Frost's [MC, Crisis 3] ability to play a Venom Injector [Equipment, Forever Evil] from the Line-Up and then destroy it. The player then plays Magic [Super Power, Crisis 1]; the player is unable to choose Venom Injector again, as the card is no longer in their play area.
1.042: Ex. 2: A player uses Constantine [MC, Crisis 1] and reveals the top card of their deck, which is Batcycle Armor [Equipment, Rebirth]. They choose to play it, and then choose to use its Ninjutsu ability. Because of Ninjutsu, the Batcycle will resolve in the Line-Up. If it has not left the Line-Up before the end of turn, Constantine will destroy it from the Line-Up.
1.043: Ex. 3: A player has The Joker [MC, Promo], and controls Cadmus Labs [Location, Teen Titans]. They play Computo [Villain, Crossover 2] and then return Computo to their hand with Cadmus Labs. They cannot now choose to use The Joker's ability to destroy Computo, because it no longer exists in the zone it resolved in.
1.044: Ex. 4: A player has The Joker [MC, Promo] and plays Bane [Villain, Crossover 8], choosing to use its Ninjutsu ability. Bane will resolve in the Line-Up, and as long as Bane does not leave the Line-Up that turn, Joker can use his ability to destroy Bane from the Line-Up.
1.050: A player cannot have any power unless it is their turn. If a player would gain or lose power at any other time, instead the player is assumed to have gained or lost zero power.
1.060: You can have a negative amount of Power, but you cannot have a negative amount of VP.
1.070: When a player is instructed to draw a non-numerical value of cards, and that value can be determined by the card or ability that is instructing them to draw, then treat the card as if it said to draw the numerical value.
1.071: Ex. 1: Ultra-Humanite [SV, Crossover 1] instructs a player to put any number of cards on bottom of their deck and then to draw that many cards. If the player chooses 3 cards then treat Ultra-Humanite as if its text said: +2 Power. Put 3 cards from your hand on the bottom of your deck, and then draw 3 cards.
1.080: If an effect instructs a player to perform an action on a specific set of items (including items in a hidden zone), then the player should keep all items in that set distinguishable from all other items until the action has been performed.
1.081: Ex. 1: Kobra [SV, Crossover 1] instructs you to draw four cards and then discard two of them. When drawing these four cards, the player must keep them separate from the cards in their hand, so it is clear that the two cards that are discarded originated from the set of four cards drawn with his ability.
1.090: If an ability has a cost followed by a colon then that ability may be activated any number of times (unless a number of times is specified), following normal timing restrictions, during its controller's turn as long as it is in play. Attack, Block, Confrontation, Defense, Ongoing and Teamwork are not costs, they are Keywords.
1.091: Ex. 1: Ancient Map [Equipment, Crisis 4] has two abilities. One is 'Ongoing:', this is a keyword and behaves as described on the card. The second is 'Destroy two Ancient Map cards you control:'; this is an ability that can be used any number of times during your turn, following normal timing restrictions, as long as you pay the cost each time you want to use it.
1.100: Every Ongoing and Main Character ability falls into one of the following categories (check the specific card or MC entry to see what type of triggers it generates):
1.101: Type A.) Abilities that trigger on an action being taken (attack, avoid (an attack), buy, defeat, destroy, discard, gain, pass (a card), pay (VP), play, rotate, shuffle, teamwork, etc) or a player reaching a certain point of the game (start of turn, end of turn, etc) are classified as Type A. Abilities that read 'X or more', 'the Nth', 'if you play', 'start of turn', 'end of turn', etc trigger as soon as their condition or appropriate time is met, and will not trigger again during the same turn. Abilities that read '(some benefit) for each', 'each time', 'when', 'whenever', etc can trigger an unlimited number of times per turn.
1.102: Type B.) Passive abilities (you pay one less, you are considered to control, you go first, etc), and abilities that allow a player to take an action are classified as Type B. These abilities may be used, or not, at the players discretion.
1.103: Type C.) Type C effects cover Type A abilities for which a player may receive a missed trigger penalty for not resolving.
1.104: Abilities containing the phrase 'during each' can only be used once during [each player's turn, each other player's turn, each of your turns], unless specified.
1.105: Some MCs have multiple abilities, each of which fits into one of three categories: type A, type B or type C. i.e. Bizarro has an ability that triggers on destroying a card (type C) and another ability which lets you draw a card (type B).
1.106: Some non-Ongoing cards set up Type A or Type C triggers (Mind Control Hat [Equipment, Heroes Unite], Blackbriar Thorn [Villain, Confrontations], etc). These are handled the same way as mentioned above, and the type of trigger they generate is specified under that particular card.
1.110: For effects that have you choose a pick or choose a player, you must choose someone on your team whenever possible. (In Free-For-All matches you are the only person on your team and in 2v2 your teammate is on your team.)
1.111: Ex. 1: A player gains a Villain with Black Lantern Power Ring [Equipment, Crisis 2]. That player can only put the Villain into their own discard pile (or their teammates in 2v2).
1.112: Ex. 2: A player plays Shadow Thief [Villain, Crisis 3]. The player can only put a zero cost card from their own discard pile into their hand. They cannot choose a card in any other player's discard pile (except their teammates in 2v2).
1.113: Ex. 3: A player plays Eye Beams [Super Power, Teen Titans Go]. The player may choose any foe, because they are not allowed to choose themselves or their teammate.
1.120: When an effect causes you to play one or more cards, the cards you can choose from are locked in when you begin resolving the effect. If cards are added to, or removed from, those zone(s) while the effect is resolving you cannot play those cards. Cards played this way can be played in any order and the order does not need to be specified.
1.130: When an effect causes you to play one or more cards and then put those cards into a hidden zone, the player playing the cards chooses the order they are placed into the hidden zone, and that order is known by all players.
1.140: If an effect causes a player to play a card they do not own and then move it to a different zone at some future point of the game (i.e. end of turn, etc), the player can elect to move the card to that zone after playing it. This is intended to prevent players from becoming the owner of cards they otherwise should not own.
1.150: Aside from the components normally required for a standard game, each game begins with an additional stack of forty Weaknesses. "The Reserve Weakness Stack" (or simply "The Reserve") is to be used only for Weaknesses gained from Super Villain First Appearance Attacks (SV FAAs), and only when the regular Weakness stack is empty. (In essence, if any effect that is not a Super Villain First Appearance Attack gives a player a Weakness while the traditional Weakness stack is empty, they will not receive one. Likewise, if any SV FAA gives a player a Weakness while the traditional Weakness stack is empty, they receive one from the reserve stack.)
1.160: Each player may "mulligan" once per game. Refer to definitions section for more information.
1.170: At any point in the game a player can point out a duplicate card in the lineup. One copy of the card will be removed from the game and replaced with the top card of the main deck. This can be repeated any number of times until there are no duplicate cards in the lineup. If a duplicate is pointed out during a player's turn then the active player can choose which copy is replaced (i.e. in case of cost reductions from The Flash [MC, Crisis 4], etc).
2.000 - Maintaining The Game State
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2.010: Card and Main Character text is resolved in the order it is written. At times you will have to pause resolving a card or MCs text due to it's written instructions, and start resolving another card.
2.011: Ex. 1: Firestorm Matrix [Equipment, Forever Evil] has you play the top card of your deck as the first part of the card. You pause resolving Firestorm Matrix, play and fully resolve the top card of your deck, then resume playing Firestorm Matrix.
2.012: Ex. 2: When resolving Vixen [MC, Promo], you resolve her text in the order written. If you reveal a Shapeshift [Super Power, Teen Titans] with her ability then you will get +2 Power, then you must destroy a card in your hand, then the SV cost reduction applies and lastly you will draw a card.
2.013: Ex. 3: White Lantern Deadman [MC, Crisis 2] has you play a card from a foe's hand. You pause resolving WLDM, play and fully resolve the card, then resume playing WLDM, which returns the card to its owner's hand.
2.020: A card is not considered to have been played until it has fully resolved. When something uses the phrase '..the first card you play this turn...' (or other similar wording), think of that as meaning '..the first card you resolve this turn...'. The condition will be true for the first card you fully resolve.
2.021: Ex. 1: A player plays Power of the Green [Super Power, Heroes Unite] and puts Central City [Location, Forever Evil] into play with it. Central City will trigger on that player playing Power of the Green, because it was in play when Power of the Green resolved.
2.030: Unless explicitly ruled differently, if you play a card that triggers the effect of a card or Main Character, you finish resolving the text of the card you played before resolving the triggered effect. If multiple effects trigger at the same time, the player whose triggers they are can resolve them in the order of their choice.
2.040: Abilities that trigger during a player's turn will not trigger once a player has passed step one of the end of turn procedures.
2.041: Ex. 1: If Cheetah [MC, Crisis 3] destroys a card an opposing Red Lantern Supergirl [MC, Crisis 2] will not trigger.
2.050: Taking an action consists of a player doing one of the following:
2.051: 1.) Playing a card (typically from their hand, etc)
2.052: 2.) Using an activated ability (i.e. using a 'once per turn ability, time traveling a card, etc).
2.053: 3.) Resolving a trigger (i.e. an effect created by a 'when you do X' clause, etc)
2.054: 4.) Buying a card
2.055: 5.) Proceeding to step one of the end of turn procedures
2.060: A player can only take an action when they are the active player, there are no effects waiting to be resolved, and they have not yet entered step one of the end of turn procedures.
2.061: Ex. 1: The active player plays a Kick [Super Power, Base Set] and triggers their Titans Tower [Location, Teen Titans]. If the player takes another action without resolving the Titans Tower trigger to draw a card they are assumed to have decided to not use the effect. (This is often referred to as 'missing their trigger', and can be done intentionally or accidentally.)
2.062: Ex. 2: Player A is the active player, and controls Lady Vic [Villain, Teen Titans] and plays Riddler [Villain, Base Set]. Player A cannot discard Lady Vic while Riddler is resolving in order to get additional power to use for Riddlers ability. (They would have needed to use Lady Vic's ability before playing Riddler if they needed the extra power.)
2.070: Effects are resolved in the following order, unless explicitly ruled different: (after resolving an effect, always begin back at step #1)
2.071: 1.) Resolve the current card/ability/effect
2.072: 2.) Non-active player triggers, in turn order, in the order of their choice
2.073: 3.) Active player triggers, in the order of their choice
2.074: Ex. 1: Turn order is Player A, then Player B, then Player C. Player A controls The Batcave [Location, Base Set], and plays Aero-Discs [Equipment, Crossover 7], drawing three cards. Player B reveals Boomerang [Equipment, Crisis 3] and generates a trigger for them to draw a card. Player A finishes resolving Aero-Discs by discarding two cards. The Batcave triggers for Player A to draw a card. Player A and B both have triggers waiting to resolve. Following the order given, Player B (the non-active player) first resolves their Boomerang trigger, drawing a card. Then Player A (the active player) resolves the The Batcave trigger, drawing a card. Player B then reveals Boomerang again, drawing another card. Now that all cards and triggers have resolved, Player A has the opportunity to take another action.
3.000 - Zones
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3.010: The zones are: Below Main Character, Destroyed Pile, Discard Pile, Kick Stack, Line-Up, Main Character, Main Deck, On Top Of Main Character, Play, Player's Deck, Player's Hand, Removed From The Game, SuperVillain Stack, Weakness Stack
3.011: The shared zones are: Destroyed Pile, Kick Stack, Line-Up, Main Deck, Removed From The Game, SuperVillain Stack, Weakness Stack
3.012: The visible zones are: Below Main Character, Destroyed Pile, Discard Pile, Kick Stack, Line-Up, Main Character, On Top Of Main Character, Play, Removed From The Game, Top Card of the SuperVillain Stack (if not defeated this turn), Weakness Stack
3.013: The hidden zones are: Main Deck, Player's Deck, Player's Hand, SuperVillain Stack (Only Those SuperVillains Which Have Not Yet Been Revealed Are Considered Hidden)
3.014: Each player has one of the following zones that is unique to them: Below Main Character, Discard Pile, Main Character, On Top Of Main Character, Play, Player's Deck, Player's Hand
3.020: The only hidden zone a player is allowed to look at is their own hand. A player cannot look at any other hidden zone without being instructed to do so by a game ability. Players cannot look through a deck for any reason, even if directed to do so by a game ability.
3.030: If a card or ability checks for things that are 'In Play', it will check the play zones of all players.
3.040: When a card changes zones, it loses any properties, effects and/or dependencies it had while it was in the previous zone. If an effect plays a card and then moves that card to another zone, it will only move that card to the named zone if it hasn't left the zone it resolved in. If it is in any other zone, it will not be moved to the specified zone.
3.041: Ex. 1: You use Abra Kadabra [Villain, Crossover 5] to play the top card of the main deck, which happens to be Azarath Metrion Zinthos [Super Power, Teen Titans]. You then discard AMZ to return a card from your discard pile to your hand. At the end of the turn, Abra Kadabra will not return the AMZ to the top of the main deck and you do not have the option of paying 2 VPs to gain it. (You have effectively gained it for free.)
3.042: Ex. 2: A player uses Constantine [MC, Crisis 1] to play the top card of their deck, which is Alfred Pennyworth [Hero, Rivals 1]. The player then returns Alfred to their hand with Cadmus Labs [Location, Teen Titans] and replays him. Alfred will not be destroyed at the end of the turn, because he lost the dependency to be destroyed by Constantine when he changed zones.
3.043: Ex. 4: A player Time Travels a card with a Frozen token on it. When the card leaves the Line-Up the frozen token is removed from it. When it returns to the Line-Up the Frozen token will not be placed back on it; it lost the Frozen attribute when it left the Line-Up.
3.050: If you must take an action that affects a hidden zone and you can not, then you must reveal all cards in that hidden zone.
3.051: Ex. 1: If you cannot discard an Equipment to Gizmo [SV, Teen Titans Go] FAA then you must reveal your hand and allow all players to verify that you are not holding an Equipment. You would then gain a Weakness [Weakness, Base Set].
3.052: Ex. 2: Because the Attack from Scythe [Villain, Crossover 1] does not direct you to reveal a Starter [Base Set], any attacked player can choose to reveal a Starter at their discretion. The clause 'unless' implies a decision by the player being Attacked on whether or not to comply with the directive.
3.060: If you must take an action regarding a card in a hidden zone pertaining to specific criteria (highest or lowest cost, vp value, etc), then you must reveal all cards in that zone prior to taking the action.
3.061: Ex. 1: To resolve Helspont [SV IM, Crisis 2] FAA you must reveal your hand and then discard the two highest cost cards in it.
3.070: If an unknown card is revealed from the main deck, and it should not have been, the card should be removed from the game. If any other card is revealed from a deck, and it should not have been, the players should pause the game and notify a judge.
3.071: If a combination of cards or Main Character effects reveals the top card of a player's deck numerous times you do not reveal any additional cards. In this case, the same card is just revealed multiple times (generally resulting in no additional benefit).
3.072: Ex: A player has Jay Garrick [MC, Crossover 1] and plays John Constantine [Hero, Crisis 1]. The player reveals their top card, and their second to the top card, with John Constantine. The player elects to draw one of them with John Constantine's effect, and is interrupted by Jay Garrick's ability. Jay Garrick then reveals the (already revealed) top card of the player's deck, and gives them the option of discarding it.
3.080: Anything that is removed from the game can never re-enter the game (even if an effect specifically states for it to do so).
4.000 - Main Characters
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4.010: Main Characters are not cards.
4.011: Ex. 1: If Batgirl [MC, Heroes Unite] causes you to draw a card, The Flash [MC, Base Set] will not trigger and draw you a second card.
4.020: If something refers to 'Your Super Hero' or 'Your Super Villain', it refers to all of your Main Characters.
5.000 - Game Cards
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5.010: The card types are: Basic, Equipment, Hard-Light Construct, Hero, Location, Starter, Super Power, Villain and Weakness.
5.020: If an effect would cause a card owned by a player to be put into any zone owned by another player, except their play zone, put that card into its owner's respective zone instead.
5.021: Ex. 1: A player controls Cadmus Labs [Location, Teen Titans] and plays Brainiac [SV IM, Crisis 1] which they use to play an opponent's Mera [Hero, Base Set]. If the player uses Cadmus Labs to return Mera to their hand, it will return to its owner's hand.
5.030: If a player destroys a card owned by an opponent, it will trigger any effects that look for a card being destroyed, but the card will remain in the zone it is currently in (even if an ability specifies for it to be moved to a different zone).
5.040: If a card has an asterisk in its VP slot, then it is considered to be worth 3 VP at any time before step 2 of the end of game procedures. i.e. If a player destroys Deathstorm [Villain, Forever Evil] due to Black Hand's FAA [SV IM, Crisis 2] then that player will discard three cards.
5.050: A player's cards are still considered to be owned by them at the end of the game when counting final VP. i.e. Shapeshift [Super Power, Teen Titans] counts as both a Suicide Squad [Villain, Heroes Unite] and a unique Power Ring [Equipment] when counting VP.
5.060: Any time a card whose type is Starter or Weakness is in the Line-Up, remove it from the game.
6.000 - Definitions and Keywords
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6.010: Another: This term is used alongside a reference to something (usually a card or player), and means anything that is not that referenced thing.
6.011: Another: If nothing is explicitly referenced, assume the reference is to whatever is using the term 'another'.
6.012: Ex. 1: If you are playing as Mirror Master [MC, Crossover 5] and play Bo Staff [Equipment, Crisis 1] as your first card, Mirror Master will not trigger because you have not played 'another' card with that cost this turn. If you then play another Bo Staff (or play Bo Staff again with Magic [Super Power, Crisis 1]), Mirror Master will trigger for +1 Power because the first Bo Staff you played is 'another' card with cost 3.
6.020: Active Player: The player whose turn it is. (During the Super Villain First Appearance Attack [SV FAA], there is no active player.)
6.030: Assist: This keyword has no effect, but the card is considered to be an Assist card.
6.031: Ex. 1: When using Krypto [Hero, Multiverse] as a Defense, you can look for cards with the 'Assist' keyword in your discard pile.
6.050: Attach: To attach one or more cards to a Super Villain, place those cards so they are partially overlapping the SuperVillain stack. When a Super-Villain is defeated, the Player who defeated it gains all cards attached to it.
6.051: Attach: A card can only be attached to a face-up Super-Villain on the Super-Villain stack. If a Super-Villain that has cards attached to it would leave the top of the SV stack, and it wasn't defeated, remove the attached cards from the game.
6.052: Attach: There is no limit to the number of cards that can be attached to a Super Villain.
6.053: Attach: Effects that cause a Super-Villain to gain a card will attach that card to the Super-Villain.
6.060: Attack: This is a special ability that allows a player or Super Villain to affect one or more foes or players respectively, unless they Defend (See Defend).
6.061: A.) Starting with the next player in turn order, the player has the option to use any number of 'when you are Attacked' abilities, resolving all triggers from the current effect before performing the next.
6.062: B.) The player announces whether they are Defending or Blocking (i.e. Avoiding the Attack), and if so, resolves the Defense/Block. If they do not Avoid the Attack then they are affected by it at this time.
6.063: C.) Resolve any triggers caused by Defending/Blocking, etc in the order of their choice.
6.064: D.) Repeat for each affected player, in turn order.
6.065: E.) Any triggers from having Attacked, successfully Attacked, etc trigger.
6.070: Attack: Ex.1: A player has Donna Troy as their MC, and is being attacked by Sons of Trigon. The player uses a Defense to avoid the attack, triggering Donna and Sons of Trigon. They choose to resolve the trigger from Sons of Trigon, which causes them to gain a Weakness for Avoiding the Attack. They then resolve the trigger from Donna, and destroy the Weakness.
6.080: Block: An ability that allows a player to Avoid An Attack.
6.081: Block: These abilities specify an action that the Player who is using the Block can take to Avoid an Attack; typically discarding it from hand, from play or using an MC ability. A Block ability can only be used by a player when they are being Attacked.
6.082: Block: A player who uses a Block ability has Avoided the Attack. A player who avoids an Attack does not suffer any effects of the Attack, and receives any benefits from doing so if specified by the effect.
6.083: Block: For information on when a Block can be used, refer to 'Attack'.
6.090: Buy: To buy a card, reduce your power by an amount equal to the cost of the card, and then gain it. This does not cause 'when you buy or gain' effects to trigger more than once.
6.091: Buy: Players are only allowed to buy a face-up card from the Super-Villain Stack, the Line-Up or the Kick Stack, unless otherwise allowed.
6.092: Buy: You cannot buy a card from the Line-Up or the Kick Stack if you have defeated a Super-Villain from the Super-Villain stack this turn, and vice-versa.
6.093: Buy: Players can only buy one Kick from the Kick Stack per turn.
6.094: Buy: You cannot buy a card if you do not have an amount of Power greater than or equal to its cost, after taking all modifiers into account.
6.095: Buy: Any effects that trigger from buying a card will trigger after it has been placed into your discard pile.
6.096: Buy: Any effect that checks the properties of a card you bought will check the properties the card had in the zone it was bought from.
6.097: Ex. 1: A player playing with Wonder Woman [MC, Base Set] buys Shapeshift [Super Power, Teen Titans]. Shapeshift was not a Villain in the Line-Up when it was bought, so Wonder Woman will not draw an extra card at end of turn.
6.098: Captured: It is not possible for a Main Character to become captured. Disregard any instructions to do so.
6.099: Choose a foe: Attacks that require players to choose a foe to Attack instead are considered to Attack all foes.
6.100: Color: A cards color is defined by its printed type, and the physical background color of the front of the card. The available colors and their associated printed types are as follows: Blue (Hero), Green (Weakness), Grey (Equipment), Indigo (Basic), Orange (Super Power), Violet (Location), Rec (Villain), White (Hard-Light Construct), or Yellow (Starter).
6.101: Color: Adding or removing a type from a card does not change its color; its color can only be altered by something explicitly changing it.
6.102: Color: Adding or removing a color to or from a card will not cause that card to gain or lose the associated type.
6.103: Ex. 1: You control Garfield Logan [Hero, Teen Titans] and use his ability, declaring Hero and then play a Punch [Starter, Base Set]. The Punch is a Starter and a Hero, but it is still only a Yellow colored card (i.e. it is not blue).
6.104: Ex. 2: You play Channeling the Emotional Spectrum [Super Power, Crisis 2] and although it is a red card and can trigger Indigo-1 [MC, Crisis 2], it is not a Villain so it would not trigger The Comedian [MC, Crossover 4].
6.110: Confrontation: A player can only enter a Confrontation by using an ability of the form 'Confrontation: X'. The player then receives any effect(s) of the ability for being in a Confrontation, and is then in a Confrontation for the duration of the turn.
6.111: After entering a Confrontation, a player may use or trigger any Confrontation abilities of other cards or Main Characters that require a player to be in a Confrontation.
6.112: If a player is in a Confrontation, they cease to be after drawing a new five card hand at the end of the turn.
6.120: Cost: Each card has a cost, which is printed in the lower right hand corner of the card. A card's cost is the amount of Power needed to buy the card from the Line-Up. Certain game effects can change the amount of Power necessary to buy the card, but its cost is typically unchanged in those cases.
6.130: Construct: See Subtype
6.140: Control: A player controls each card in their play zone.
6.141: Control: An effect may allow a player to control cards that are not in their play zone.
6.142: Ex. 1: A player playing as Swamp Thing [MC, Crisis 1] controls Locations that other players have in their play zones and any Locations that are in the Line-Up while it is their turn. However, their foes' Locations and any Locations in the Line-Up are not in their play zone.
6.150: Deck: A collection of cards from which cards may be drawn, revealed, discarded from, etc based on certain game effects.
6.151: Deck: Any time a player has no deck and they need to reveal, draw from, look at, discard from or otherwise interact with a card in their deck that player shuffles their discard pile and it becomes their deck.
6.160: Defeat: Defeat is synonymous with Buy or Gain. Abilities that refer to the cost to Defeat a card, or that trigger when Defeating a card, apply when buying or gaining it.
6.165: Defeat a SuperVillain: This phrase refers to buying a SuperVillain when it is face up on the SuperVillain stack. Buying a SuperVillain out of the Line-Up means buying/defeating a Villain, not a SuperVillain.
6.170: Defense: An ability that allows a player to Avoid An Attack.
6.171: Defense: These abilities specify an action that the Player who is using the Defense can take to Avoid an Attack; typically discarding the defense from hand, from play or using an MC ability. A Defense ability can only be used by a player when they are being Attacked.
6.172: Defense: A player who uses a Defense ability has Avoided the Attack. A player who avoids an Attack does not suffer any effects of the Attack, and receives any benefits from doing so if specified by the effect.
6.173: Defense: For information on when a Defense can be used, refer to 'Attack'.
6.180: Destroy: To destroy a card, place it into the destroyed pile.
6.185: Different: Two cards are 'different' from one another if their printed names or sets are different. If either is different, the two cards are different.
6.186: Ex. 1: When comparing Shapeshift [Super Power, Teen Titans] with Acrobatic Agility [Super Power, Teen Titans] the sets are the same, but the printed names are different, therefore the two cards are different.
6.190: Discard: To discard card(s), a player moves those card(s) from their current zone into their discard pile.
6.191: Discard: If a card or ability allows you, or would cause you, to discard card(s), but does not specify a zone for you to discard those card(s) from, you must discard from your hand.
6.192: Discard: If an ability would trigger from card(s) being discarded, but does not specify where the card(s) would be discarded from, it will only trigger on card(s) discarded from hand.
6.195: Event Line-Up: Refers to the Line-Up.
6.197: Frozen: A card with a Frozen token cannot be bought or gained. As a reminder to help players remember to remove frozen tokens on their next turn, when a player places a Frozen Token on a card in the Line-Up they may also place one in their play area.
6.200: Gain: When you Gain a card, reveal it (because you became its owner) and then move it to the specified zone. If no zone is specified then move it to your discard pile.
6.201: Gain: When you Buy a card you Gain it. You can also Gain a card when instructed to do so by a game effect (card or MC text, etc). A card being "Put" into one of your zones or a player otherwise becoming the owner of a card does not count as them Gaining the card.
6.202: Gain: Effects that trigger from gaining a card will trigger after it has been placed into the proper zone (i.e. your discard pile, hand, play zone, etc).
6.203: Gain: Effects that check the properties of a gained card will check the properties that card had while in the zone it was gained from.
6.206: Hand Size Adjustment: A listing (i.e. array) of the number of cards to be drawn, or discarded after a player draws their new hand at the end of the turn. Adjustments of this nature are: 'at the end of turn: draw/discard X cards', 'at the end of turn: draw/discard X then draw/discard Y', 'at the end of turn: draw/discard a card and then...', etc. Any such effect is not performed at that time, and is instead added to this list (to be performed during the end of turn procedures).
6.207: Hand Size Adjustment: Adjustments of this nature are of the form: 'at the end of turn: draw/discard X cards', 'at the end of turn: draw/discard X then draw/discard Y', 'at the end of turn: draw/discard a card and then...', etc. Any such effect is not performed at that time, and is instead added to this list (to be performed during the end of turn procedures).
6.210: Keep: A player who keeps a card becomes its owner.
6.220: Keyword: An ability that some cards and Main Characters have. Keywords may be refenced by other cards, and have a definition as specified in this section.
6.230: Kick Stack: At the beginning of the game the Kick stack consists of sixteen Kicks. As the game progresses the Kick stack may have less than sixteen cards in it. The Kick stack is always face up, and cards may not be added to it. Players may buy a maximum of one Kick per turn.
6.240: Line-Up: A zone that contains cards available for players to buy cards from. The lineup cannot contain fewer than zero cards, and there is no limit to the number of cards in the lineup. During the end of turn procedures one step is to refill the lineup each turn.
6.250: Main Deck: A hidden zone containing cards typically used to refill the Line-Up, or for other effects in the game. Cards can be added to and removed from the main deck as directed to by a game effect.
6.255: Metal: See Subtype
6.260: Move (Keyword): This resource is not used. A player can gain or lose movement points (and trigger effects for doing so) but their movement points are set to zero each time a player can take an action or resolve a trigger.
6.261: Move (Subtype): See Subtype
6.266: Mulligan: After the main character draft is complete, and prior to revealing the opening lineup, beginning with the first player and proceeding in turn order, players may reveal their hand containing either five punches or two punches and three vulnerabilities. The player then shuffles their hand into their deck and draws a new hand (this is known as taking a mulligan). Each player may only "mulligan" once per game.
6.270: Name: An object's name corresponds to the printed text in the top left of that object, or in the center. Some game effects can change an object's name.
6.275: Nemesis: Nemesis is not a card type, any SV with this type is considered to be a Villain.
6.280: Non-Active Player: Any player in the game who is not the active player.
6.290: Ninjutsu: This keyword allows you to, when playing a card you own with the Ninjutsu ability, have it resolve in the Line-Up instead of your play zone. If you choose to do so, the card will gain additional text as indicated by the Ninjutsu ability. When used, you relinquish ownership and control of the card, but it is considered to be a card you played this turn.
6.291: Ninjutsu: The decision of whether to Ninjutsu a card or not is made when the first instance of the Ninjutsu keyword text is encountered on the card. If the Ninjutsu ability is used, the card gains the effects of each instance of Ninjutsu ability on the card.
6.292: Ex. 1: Bat-Glider [Equipment, Crossover 8] instructs you to look at the top card of your deck and put it on bottom, discard it or leave it. After doing so, you have the choice of whether to Ninjutsu the Bat-Glider or not.
6.294: If you Ninjutsu a card, you cannot buy or gain it from the Line-Up that turn.
6.300: Ongoing: Ongoing cards are not discarded during the end of turn phase when you would normally discard cards that you have in play.
6.301: Ongoing: Ongoing effects are only granted to players while the Ongoing is in play. Players may use abilities of Ongoings they control following normal timing restrictions. When a player loses control of an Ongoing, any effects it was providing to that player cease to function (Power is a resource, not an effect).
6.302: Ex. 1: A player controls The Batcave [Location, Base Set] and plays Silent Armor [Equipment, Teen Titans]. The player chooses to discard The Batcave to Silent Armor. The player will not draw a card from having played an Equipment because The Batcave is not in play when Silent Armor resolves.
6.303: Ex. 2: A player plays Sea King [IM SV, Crisis 3] and then plays Clayface [Villain, Base Set], choosing to play Sea King again. The player then plays Silent Armor [Equipment, Teen Titans], discarding Sea King. The player now has 2 Power, and no longer has Sea King's ability to put cards bought or gained on top of their deck.
6.310: Other: See Another.
6.320: Own: A player becomes the owner of a card when it is placed into their hand, deck or discard pile. That player continues to own the card until it is placed into a shared zone (see �Zones�), another player becomes its owner, or it is placed above or below any player's Main Character(s).
6.321: Own: When a player becomes the owner of a card they must reveal it.
6.330: Pass: If a card owned by a player would be passed to another player, instead it is not passed, and no effects from passing a card would trigger.
6.331: Pass: To pass a card, move it from the first specified zone to the second.
6.332: Pass: The effect causing the zone change must specifically use the word 'pass' to be considered passing a card.
6.333: Pass: If the card that would be passed does not change zones, often because the source and target zones are the same, that card is not considered to have been passed.
6.334: Ex. 1: Count Vertigo [SV, Crossover 2] instructs you to put a card under a foe's Super Hero. Even if you put a card there, that card has not been 'passed'.
6.335: Ex. 2: If all but one player defends Amazo's FAA [SV, Heroes Unite], that player would have to pass 2 cards from their hand to their own hand, so they are instead considered to have not passed any cards.
6.350: Play: Playing a card is an action that a player is allowed to take only when it is their turn and only when they could normally take an action. To play a card, move it to your Play Zone and resolve the text on the card.
6.351: Play: You can only play cards from your hand unless a card or ability allows you to do otherwise.
6.352: Play: Effects that trigger on playing a card will only trigger from cards that have resolved.
6.360: Power: A resource, typically used to buy a card or pay the cost of an ability.
6.370: Protector: (Apokolips Protector & New Genesis Protector) These keywords have no effect, but the card is considered to be a Protector card.
6.380: Put: To put a card somewhere, move it to that Zone.
6.381: Put: You only put a card somewhere when a card or ability explicitly uses the term put.
6.382: Put: A card that is Put somewhere is just put. It has not been Passed, Gained, etc.
6.383: Ex. 1: A player has Mister Miracle [MC, Crossover 7] and plays Crimson Whirlwind [Hero, Heroes Unite]. The player may not place cards from their discard pile back on top of their deck with Mister Miracle, because Crimson Whirlwind is putting the cards there, not discarding them.
6.390: Range: This keyword has no effect, but the card is considered to be a Range card.
6.400: Refill: To refill the lineup, add cards to it until the Line-Up contains five cards. The lineup cannot be refilled if it already has five or more cards in it.
6.410: Reveal: To reveal a card, it should be turned face up and made known to all other players in the game. If multiple effects reveal the top card of a deck, only a single card is revealed.
6.415: Reward: This ability triggers for the player that defeats the card.
6.418: Rotate/Rotation: Players are not required to rotate cards when instructed to unless playing with certain MCs from Crossover 6 (Birds of Prey) for which card rotation matters. This allows players to rotate cards or MCs during their turn to show that abilities have been used, and then return them upright at the end of the turn.
6.420: Set: Each object in the game is from a specific set. Set names are commonly located near the bottom right side of the object. Some objects do not have a set designation on them and their set must be taken from the set specific rulebooks.
6.430: Shuffle: Typically in reference to a deck, to make unpredictable, unsystematic or random in order or arrangement.
6.440: Sidekick: This is a subtype that only a Main Character can have.
6.445: Stack Ongoing: This keyword has no effect.
6.450: Subtype: Some cards and Main Characters have subtypes, which can be referenced by certain effects. The list of subtypes include: Construct, Metal, Sidekick, SuperHero/SuperVillain and Unity.
6.460: Super-Hero / Super-Villain: When referring to cards that originated from the main deck or SV stack, these subtypes are interchangeable.
6.470: Super-Villain / Super-Hero: When referring to cards that originated from the main deck or SV stack, these subtypes are interchangeable.
6.480: Super-Villain Stack: At the beginning of the game the Super-Villain stack consists of five face-down Super-Villains. As the game progresses the SV stack may have less than five cards in it, and the top card may or may not be revealed depending on the game state. Cards may not be added to the Super-Villain stack.
6.485: Super-Villain / Super-Hero: If an SV ceases being owned by a player, then remove it from the game. This is a special rule that intercepts it en route to its destination and instead removes it from the game. Because it is intercepted en route, it will still trigger any effects from having been destroyed, etc.
6.490: Swap: Exchange the specified number of cards in two zones.
6.500: Teamwork: To Teamwork a foe, play the top card of that foe's deck. The teamworked card returns to the top of your foe's deck when it leaves play.
6.501: Teamwork: The foe being teamworked must be randomly determined from amongst all your foes that have either a deck or a discard pile. If no such foes exist, no Teamwork occurs.
6.502: Teamwork: If a Main Character has an Activated Teamwork ability, it cannot be used.
6.503: Teamwork: If multiple cards Teamworked from the same player leave play at the same time (typically at the end of the turn), the cards return in reverse order that they were Teamworked such that the order of the deck is the same as it was before any card was Teamworked.
6.504: Teamwork: A player is not considered to have Teamworked a foe until the top card of that foe's deck has resolved.
6.505: Ex. 1: Player 1 announces they will use the Teamwork ability of Trickster [MC, Crossover 5]. They roll a die, and randomly determine that Player 3 will be the Teamworked player. Player 3 reveals the top card of their deck and Player 1 plays it. Player 1 then gives Player 3 one VP from the game supply.
6.506: Ex. 2: Player 2 plays Pied Piper [Hero, Crossover 5]. They roll a die, and randomly determine that Player 4 will be the Teamworked player. Player 4 reveals the top card of their deck and Player 2 plays it.
6.507: Ex. 3: Player 1 Teamworks an Ongoing card from Player 2. When that card leaves Player 1�s play zone, it will be placed on top of Player 2's deck.
6.510: Time Travel: Time Travel is a keyword that allows the card to be played from either the Line-Up or Super-Villain stack at the cost of discarding a card with cost 1 or greater from your hand. If you do, at the end of the turn return the card to its original location if it is still in the zone it resolved in; this is a type C trigger.
6.511: Time Travel: Discarding a card is a cost of using the Time Travel ability, and will not gain a player VP via Black Mask [Villain, Crisis 3], etc.
6.512: Time Travel: If an effect instructs you to Time Travel a card, it means you play that card. The card has the keyword Time Travel until the end of the turn, and there is no additional discard cost to play it.
6.513: Ex. 1: A player discards a card to Chameleon Boy [MC, Crossover 2] to Time Travel a card from the Line-Up. The card will trigger Phantom Girl [MC, Crossover 2] and give the player +1 Power for playing a card with Time Travel.
6.520: This Turn: Abilities that have an effect for 'This Turn' (Indigo Tribe [Hero, Crisis 2], etc) will ceases to apply in step #1 of the end of turn procedures. This is equivalent to saying an effect lasts until end of turn.
6.530: Type: All cards have a type. The list of types includes: Basic, Breakthrough, Equipment, Hard-Light Construct, Hero, Location, Starter, Super Power, Villain and Weakness.
6.540: Unity: This effect triggers for the active player for each card with Unity they control when playing a card with the Unity subtype.
6.550: VP: Short for Victory Point. This adds 1 point to the player's score at the conclusion of a match.
6.560: Weakness: The word Weakness it is referring to a card whose name is Weakness, not a card with the type Weakness.
6.561: Weakness Stack: At the beginning of the game the Weakness stack consists of twenty Weaknesses. As the game progresses the Weakness stack may have less than twenty cards in it. The Weakness stack is always face up and cards may be added to it by certain abilities [i.e. Bizarro [MC, Forever Evil], etc]. An additional Weakness stack title the "Reserve" stack is composed of another 40 Weaknesses.
6.570: Zone: Refer to [Section 3.0, Zones] for information about zones.
7.000 - Set Specific Clarifications
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7.010: The following cards are all assumed to be from the Base Set (i.e. Original Set; the first set ever released for the game) regardless of which version of the card you are playing with: Kick, Punch, Vulnerability and Weakness.
7.020: Dark Knights Metal: It is not possible to have any of your Main Characters become captured, and it is not possible to rescue a Main Character. Ignore any effects which instruct a player to do either.
7.030: Promo: Promo cards are assumed to be from a set named 'Promo'.
7.040: Teen Titans GO!: Regarding the cycle of cards that state 'if [Insert Main Character Name] is on your team...', this clause refers only to your Main Characters. Having a card with that name is not sufficient to meet this requirement.
7.041: Teen Titans GO!: There is no set of action(s) that any player can take that will result in any player having a Sidekick on their team.
8.000 - End of Turn Procedure
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8.010: The active player announces they are ending their turn. Their turn is now considered to be over. That player continues to be the active player. Any abilities that last for 'this turn' or 'during a player's turn' cease to be in effect.
8.020: The active player places all cards in their hand into their discard pile. This is a special game action and does not trigger any effects.
8.030: 'End of turn' effects trigger.
8.040: The active player places all non-Ongoing cards in their play area into their discard pile. This is a special game action and does not trigger any effects.
8.050: The active player has their power set to zero. This is a special game action and does not trigger any effects.
8.060: The active player draws five cards. This is a special game action and does not trigger any effects.
8.070: In turn order, beginning with the active player, each player adjusts their hand size according to their Cards In Hand Adjustment. Each such hand size adjustment can be made, or not, at the player's discretion and adjustments can be done in the order of the player's choice.
8.080: If the active player is in a Confrontation, the Confrontation ends. This is a special game action and does not trigger any effects.
8.090: The turn is over and there is no longer an active player.
8.100: If the Line-Up contains less than five cards, add cards to it from the main deck until it contains five cards. If the main deck does not contain enough cards to fulfill this requirement, proceed to step one of the End of Game procedures.
8.110: If the top card of the Super Villain stack is face down, reveal it and resolve its First Appearance Attack, if any. The FAA will resolve against the player who most recently completed their turn first, followed by the remaining players, in turn order.
8.120: If there are no Super Villains left to reveal, play continues until the end of the current turn cycle. Once the current turn cycle is complete, proceed to step one of the End of Game procedures.
8.130: Each player's 'Cards in Hand Adjustment' value is cleared and set to zero.
8.140: The next player in clockwise order begins their turn and becomes the active player.
9.000 - Sanctioned Event Structure
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9.010: Games will be played in groups of three or four players, and will be paired as tables of four whenever possible. Tables at the top of the standings will be paired as four player tables. Players will be given seating assignments and the player with the option to play first or draft first ('Play or Draft') will be identified by the event software based on a random number generator.
9.020: The length of time for each round is 60 minutes; this includes the main character draft and time to play the game. For the top 4 & top 8 matches, the main character draft is untimed, and players have 60 minutes to play the game. When time is called, a number of turns equal to [the number of turns required to complete the turn cycle and one additional turn for each player] will be added to the game. If time is called between turns (i.e. while refilling the Line-Up, resolving a SV FAA, etc) then assume time was called on the previous player's turn (the player who just finished their turn). These turns set a limit on the number of turns remaining in the game, however the game can still end before these turns are taken if the final SV is defeated prior to the first player (in turn order) beginning their final turn.
9.021: Ex.1: During a 3-player game, time is called during player one's turn. Once that player has completed their turn, the game will continue for a maximum of five additional turns, which completes the turn cycle and allows for one final turn for each player.
9.022: Ex.2: During a 4-player game, time is called during player four's turn. Once that player has completed their turn, the game will continue for a maximum of four additional turns, allowing for one additional turn for each player.
9.023: Ex.3: During a 4-player game, time is called during player two�s turn. Once that player has completed their turn, the game will continue for a maximum of six additional turns, which completes the turn cycle and allows for one final turn for each player. On the next turn, player three defeats the final SV. The game will now end after player four�s turn because that completes the turn cycle with no SV remaining in the SV stack.
9.024: Ex.4: During a 4-player game, time is called during player four's turn. Player four then goes on to defeat the final SV during the same turn that time was called. The game will now end after player four�s turn because that completes the turn cycle with no SV remaining in the SV stack. Players will not receive an additional turn due to time being called.
9.030: A player may drop from an event at any time. It is preferred for players to drop between games so as to not disrupt a game in progress.
9.040: If a player drops from an event (or concedes a match prior to its completion) during a game, the other players should call for a judge. A judge will maintain the game state until the end of the current turn. During this time, that player can still be interacted with, and the judge will make decisions at random for that player, if required. That player will receive last place for this round.
9.050: At the end of the turn in which a player conceded the match, the judge will gather all of that players cards, Main Characters, etc (including any cards controlled by another player) and remove them from the game. That player can no longer be interacted with by any means. Any cards the player controlled that were owned by another player will be placed into their owner's discard pile at this time, or returned to the appropriate player if they were teamworked, etc.
9.060: The minimum number of players for a sanctioned event is eight.
9.070: The number of swiss rounds to be played during a sanctioned event is determined by the number of players that entered, as follows: 8 players = 3 round; 9 - 16 players = 4 Rounds; 17 - 32 players = 5 Rounds; 33 - 64 = 6 Rounds; 65 - 128 = 7 Rounds. The Tournament Organizer may modify the number of rounds to accommodate facility hours of operation, etc.
9.080: For events consisting of three or four rounds, a single round, 'the finals', will be played after the swiss rounds. The top four finishers will be invited to participate in the finals.
9.081: For events consisting of five or more rounds, two play-off rounds will take place after the swiss rounds, the 'semi-finals' and 'the finals'. The top eight finishers will be invited to participate in the play-off rounds. For the semi-finals, players will be paired based on their standings as follows: Table 1: first, fourth, fifth & eighth; Table 2: second, third, sixth & seventh. The finals will consist of players placing first or second in each of the semi-finals games.
9.090: Players receive four match points for first place, two match points for second place, and no points for third or fourth place.
9.100: During play-off rounds, instead of randomly determining player order, the standings from the end of the swiss rounds will be used. For table one, players will be seated clockwise as 1, 4, 5, 8. For table 2, players will be seated clockwise as 2, 3, 6, 7. The players ranked 1st and 2nd have the option to play or draft at their tables. For the finals, players should be seated in clockwise order using the same method and the highest ranked player in the standings after the swiss has the option to play or draft.
9.101: Ex. 1: If players 1, 4, 5 and 8 are playing a match, player 1 is considered to have won the die roll, with player 4 coming in second, etc.
9.110: For tie-breakers in the player standings, the first tie-breaker is the number of first place finishes a player has in that event. The second tie-breaker is the opponent's player points and first place finishes. The third tiebreaker is a random number generator.
9.120: For sanctioned events, a unique Super Villain stack should be generated for each table.
9.130: The opening lineup can only contain one card whose cost is five or greater, and it can only contain one Location.
10.000 - Rules Infractions
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10.010: If a player reveals one or more cards to another player without being instructed to do so by a card ability, then that player must reveal those cards to all players.
10.020: If a player discards on Ongoing card for any reason other than because an effect allowed or instructed it to be discarded, a judge should retrieve the Ongoing from whichever zone it is in, and place it in that player's play area. The player receives a penalty for failure to maintain the proper game state. The order of cards in the deck should not be changed when retrieving the Ongoing card.
10.030: If a player looks at (or reveals) cards in a hidden zone without an effect allowing the player to do so, that player may receive a penalty for looking at (or revealing) extra cards.
10.040: Triggers: There are two types of triggers: Type A and Type C. Type A triggers are deemed beneficial to a player's opponents and Type C triggers are those which are deemed to be detrimental to their opponents. 'Missing a trigger' that is beneficial to a player's opponents (Type A) does not result in a penalty and the game state will not be halted or backed up; the trigger has been 'missed' and play continues. 'Missing a trigger' that is detrimental to a player's opponents (Type C) may result in a penalty and correction of the game state. Detrimental missed triggers (Type C) should be reported to a judge by any player in the game, and the judge will determine the most appropriate method of correcting the game state.
10.041: Ex. 1: A player plays Abra Kadabra [Villain, Crossover 5] and plays the top card of the Main Deck, which is a Red Robin [Hero, Rivals 1], creating a Type C trigger. At the end of the turn the player neither returns Red Robin to the Main Deck nor pays two VP to gain it, and instead places it into their discard pile. The player has missed a Type C trigger and will receive a penalty, then the judge will correct the game state as best able, in this case by placing Red Robin on top of the Main Deck. This is because this type of trigger is deemed to be detrimental to that player's opponents by allowing the player to gain Red Robin for free.
10.042: Ex. 2: A player plays Ra's Al Ghul [SV, Base Set] creating a Type A trigger and, at the end of the turn, they do not place it on bottom of their deck. The player has missed a Type A trigger, but will not receive a penalty and the missed trigger does not need to be reported. This is because this type of trigger is deemed to be beneficial to that player's opponents by delaying the drawing of Ra's Al Ghul. Because the trigger was missed, Ra's Al Ghul will not be placed on the bottom of their deck.
10.050: A trigger which only provides power cannot be missed (this is intended to be a shortcut to maintain the pace of the game).
10.051: Ex. 1: A player has Batman [MC, Base Set] and plays three Equipment without ever acknowledging that Batman triggered for any of them. The player will have +3 Power if they acknowledge the Power gained from Batman later that turn.
10.060: A judge may give a player a warning for slow play if the player fails to perform a game action within a reasonable amount of time.
10.070: A judge may give a player a warning for a rules infraction, whether the infraction is specifically covered by these rules or not.
10.080: If the head judge determines that a player has accumulated to many penalties, or if a single penalty is severe enough, then that player will be dropped from the event and is ineligible for any prizes.
11.000 - Sanctioned Event Philosophy
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11.010: The only people allowed to talk to a player involved in a sanctioned game is another player in that game or a judge. If a player receives 'outside assistance' during a game, a judge should be notified.
11.011: Ex. 1: A player buys Air-Walk Shoes [Equipment, Crossover 5] from the Line-Up. After buying it they buy another card from the Line-Up. At that point, another player who is spectating the game advises the player to gain a VP for having purchased Air-Walk Shoes; this player has given outside assistance to the player in the game and will be given a penalty. The player in the game will not be given a penalty because they did not ask for the assistance, but they also will not be able to get a VP for gaining the card as they have already missed the trigger.
11.020: While any player in the game may point out a missed trigger, etc to another player, judges will typically refrain from doing so unless the trigger is detrimental to their opponents (i.e. a player misses a Type C trigger). Judges are there to help ensure that the game is played according to the rules; they are not there to help players win.
11.030: If a banned card or Main Character inadvertently enters the game, a judge should be notified. The judge will remove it from the game if doing so does not considerably disrupt the game.
11.040: At sanctioned events, players may not use electronic devices during a match once the Main Character draft has begun with the exception of specific activities allowed by the TO or Head Judge. This does not apply to matches played on Table Top Simulator.
11.050: Players are allowed to take notes during a match, so long as it is not during their turn and is not disruptive to the game. Players may only reference notes made during their current game, and cannot reference notes made outside of their current game. This does not apply to matches played on Table Top Simulator.
12.000 - End of Game Procedures
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12.010: Resolve all 'end of game' triggered effects, beginning with the player whose turn it would have been next and continuing in player turn order.
12.020: Each player gathers together all cards they own.
12.030: Gather the Main Deck, the Line-Up, any remaining cards in the Super Villain, Weakness and Kick stacks, along with any cards removed from the game. Arrange them such that no one will end up with a card that they do not own when counting VP.
12.040: Each player totals their VP.
12.050: The winner is the player with the most VP, and so forth for 2nd and 3rd/4th place. In the event of a tie, the first tiebreaker is the player with the most Super Villains in their deck. The second tie-breaker is the player with the most recently defeated Super Villain in their deck. The third tie-breaker is the player who played last in turn order during the game.
12.060: Each player should verify that the round number, table number, their name and their opponent's names are properly recorded on the match slip; fill out or correct any missing or incorrect information.
12.070: Each player should record their main character(s) and VP total on the match slip. If any player disputes another player's VP count, they may recount that player's VP themselves. In the event two players have a disagreement on what a player's VP count is, all other players in the game are responsible for computing the VP total in question. Once all players have computed the VP total, if the correct VP count is still in question, a judge should be notified.
12.080: After all player's VP totals have been recorded, each player is responsible for signing the match slip.
12.090: Each player is responsible for helping return the game to its original state. The players should count out all Kicks, Weaknesses and Starters and return them to their proper location. The Main Characters should be placed into their appropriate tier stack in alphabetical order. The main deck should be shuffled and returned to its proper place. The Super Villains should be turned into a judge with the completed match slip for each table.
13.000 - Main Character Draft
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13.010: After all players have taken their seat for the match, the player designated by the pairing software has the option of playing first or drafting first. If that player chooses to play first then the player seated counter-clockwise of them will be the first drafter. Once the decision has been made the draft begins.
13.020: The current drafter has the option of taking a Main Character in the current tier, or any previously passed tier, at the expense of tier points equal to the current tier level, so long as doing so would not cause them to have more than six tier points worth of Main Characters, and the MC has not already been taken by a player in the draft. The player also has the option to pass on the current tier, removing them from the draft until all players have passed on the current tier.
13.030: Once the current drafter has either taken an MC or passed, the next player in counter-clockwise order becomes the current drafter, and the process repeats.
13.040: After all players have passed on a tier, each player rejoins the draft, and the draft proceeds to the next tier level. Starting with the initial drafter, repeat the draft.
13.050: The draft begins with tier one MCs and increases by one level each time all players have passed on the current tier, until all players have passed on tier level six.
13.060: As a shortcut, a drafter may take enough MCs to have six or less tier points worth of MCs, so long as it's not possible for another player to select one of their chosen MCs before they would have a chance to do so.
13.061: Ex. 1: The first drafter elects to take a tier 1, tier 2 and tier 3 MC before the second drafter has had a chance to take their first tier 1 MC. This is an allowable shortcut, because no player has an option of taking the chosen MCs due to the draft order.
13.062: Ex. 2: The first drafter elects to take 2x tier 3 MCs before the second drafter has had a chance to take their first tier 1 MC. This is not an allowable shortcut, because it is possible for other players to take one of the two chosen tier three MCs.
13.070: Any time a player has six tier points worth of MCs, that player is removed from the draft and cannot rejoin it.
14.000 - Sanctioned Formats
(Click to Expand)
14.100: There are two formats available for tournaments: Cube and Singleton Cube.
14.200: Cube: Players can play MCs an unlimited number of times during the event.
14.300: Singleton Cube: Players can play each MC no more than once during the event, or no more than once every X number of rounds, as specified by the TO prior to the event beginning.
14.310: Singleton Cube: Players playing an MC for the second (or more) times during the event (or specified number of rounds) will receive last place for those rounds.

Main Characters Rulings:

Alan Scott (Crossover 1)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Animal Man (Crisis 1)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

Aquaman (Base Set)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Aquaman (Confrontations)
1.) The first persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.
2.) The next persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.
3.) Treat this MC's text as: "During your turn you are in a Confrontation. Once during each of your turns, +2 Power for every seven cards in your discard pile."

Aquaman (Confrontations)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Aquaman (Dark Nights: Metal)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.
2.) You can use this ability if you control any of the following: A.) 2x Villains, B.) 2x Super Powers, C.) 1x Villain and 1x Super Power. They do not need to be different cards.

Aquaman (Rebirth)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Arsenal (Crisis 4)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) He looks at the actual cost of the card, and doesn't consider cost reductions applied from an effect such as The Comedian, etc.
3.) He triggers on the first card bought or gained from the Lineup with the lowest cost. ex: If you buy a 5-cost card followed by a 3-cost card he will trigger when you buy the 3-cost card.

Bane (Promo)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Bane [Crisis] (Crisis 3)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) No matter which version you are playing with, this text should read as follows: "Each time you destroy a card with cost 1 or greater that you own, you may place it under your Main Characters."
3.) Destroying cards under your Main Character (i.e. with Roy Harper [MC], etc) does not trigger his ability, because you do not own those cards.
4.) His ability will not cause any cards owned by your opponents to be placed under any MC.

Batgirl (Heroes Unite)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

Batgirl [Crisis] (Crisis 2)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.
2.) No matter what the VP value of the card is, the only player you can choose is yourself, and the maximum number of cards you can draw is one.
3.) Ex.1: A player uses her ability to discard a Punch [Starter]. They will not draw a card, because its VP value is zero.
4.) Ex.2: A player uses her ability to discard a Power Girl [Hero]. They will only draw one card, although her VP value is two.

Batman (Base Set)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Batman (Crossover 8)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) This ability automatically gives Ninjutsu to the first card you begin resolving. This is not a trigger that can be missed, although it is up to the player whether to use the Ninjutsu ability at the appropriate time or not. (Note: this is a special ruling and should not be applied to other similarly worded effects.)
3.) Ex.1: You play X-Ray Vision [Super Power], and choose to play Red Robin [Hero] from your opponent's deck. Since Batman gave Ninjutsu to X-Ray Vision when you first started resolving it (and before your opponents revealed their top card), you may choose to Ninjutsu X-Ray Vision after resolving Red Robin.

Batman (Rebirth)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) His ability triggers on buying or gaining a Villain or Super Villain from the line-up or SV stack (but does not trigger on buying a Super Hero).

Batman (Rivals 1)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Batman (Rivals 1)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Batwoman (Crossover 6)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

Beast Boy (Teen Titans)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

Beast Boy (Teen Titans Go)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Big Barda (Crossover 7)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Black Adam (Forever Evil)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) The card you destroy must have the type "Super Power" at the time it is being destroyed or you can't use this ability.

Black Canary (Crossover 6)
1.) The first persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.
2.) The next persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Black Canary (Heroes Unite)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Black Lightning (Promo)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.
2.) No matter which version you are playing with, this text should read as follows: "Discard X cards: Put a card with cost X from your discard pile into your hand. X cannot be zero."
3.) You can use this ability whether you have a card in your discard pile that you can return or not.

Black Manta (Forever Evil)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) You may not use this effect on cards bought from the Kick stack or cards gained from other zones.

Blue Beetle (Teen Titans)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

Booster Gold (Heroes Unite)
1.) The first persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) The next persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Brainiac 5 (Crossover 3)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

Captain Boomerang (Crisis 3)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Catwoman (Crossover 6)
1.) The first persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.
2.) The next persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Catwoman (Crossover 8)
1.) The first persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.
2.) The next persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
3.) You may buy cards attached to SVs (perhaps by Monkichi [Hero], etc) as if they were in the Line-Up.

Chameleon Boy (Crossover 3)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.
2.) When you discard a card to perform this ability, you do not need to discard an additional card to pay for the Time Travel cost.
3.) Neither the card you choose to use his ability on, or the card you discard, need to have the Time Travel keyword.
4.) The card you use his ability on is considered to have been Time Traveled, and will trigger any effects from playing a Time Travel card.
5.) You can use this ability whether there is a card you can choose in the Line-Up or not.
6.) Abilities such as The Flash [MC, Crisis 4] that reduce the cost you pay to buy a card do not change the cost of the card, which is what Chameleon Boy is checking.

Cheetah (Crisis 3)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Circe (Confrontations)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Constantine (Crisis 1)
1.) The first persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.
2.) The next persistent/ongoing ability is type C; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
3.) The card will only be destroyed if it hasn't left the zone it resolved in.

Cosmic Boy (Crossover 3)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) This looks at the first card played from hand, not necessarily the first card played that turn (in case of teamwork, etc).

Cyborg (Base Set)
1.) The first persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) The next persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

* Cyborg (Rebirth) ** Click to View Errata **
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Cyborg (Teen Titans Go)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

Darkseid (Crossover 7)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

Deathstroke (Forever Evil)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Deathstroke (Promo)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) This ability triggers the first time you destroy a card each turn.
3.) This ability triggers during each player's turn (but not during SV FAAs.)

Doctor Fate (Dark Nights: Metal)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.
2.) You can use this ability if you control any of the following: A.) 2x Heroes, B.) 2x Equipment, C.) 1x Hero and 1x Equipment. They do not need to be different cards.

Donna Troy (Crisis 4)
1.) The first persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.
2.) The next persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Dr. Manhattan (Crossover 4)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Felix Faust (Confrontations)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.
2.) If the Weakness stack is empty, the player gains a Weakness from the reserve stack.
3.) If the reserve stack is empty this ability may not be used.

* Golden Glider (Crossover 5) ** Click to View Errata **
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) If you use the Ninjutsu ability of a card then you are relinquishing ownership of it as part of the Ninjutsu ability, so the card will trigger Golden Glider upon resolution (because you do not own it at that time).
3.) The activated Teamwork ability of this character cannot be used.

Gorilla Grodd (Promo)
1.) The first persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.
2.) The next persistent/ongoing ability is type C; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Granny Goodness (Crossover 7)
1.) The first persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) The next persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

* Green Arrow (Crisis 1) ** Click to View Errata **
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.
2.) His ability refers to defeating Villains in the Line-up, and to defeating Super-Villains or Super-Heroes in the Super-Villain stack.

Green Lantern (Base Set)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Green Lantern (Rivals 2)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Hal Jordan (Dark Nights: Metal)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Harley Quinn (Forever Evil)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) She only triggers on discarding from your hand, or passing a card from any zone. She does not trigger on discarding cards from your deck.
3.) Ex: Joker's Daughter [Villain], Mallet [Equipment] and Terra [Villain] are all capable of triggering Harley's ability. Amnesty Bay [Location], Ancient Map [Equipment] and Azarath Metrion Zinthos [Super Power] will not trigger her.
4.) Her ability will not trigger from SV FAAs because they do not happen during a player's turn.

Hawkman (Heroes Unite)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Huntress (Crossover 6)
1.) The first persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) The next persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Indigo-1 (Crisis 2)
1.) The first persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) The next persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Jay Garrick (Crossover 1)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) This ability overrides the normal 'fully resolve the current card, then look for anything that triggered' rule.
3.) He interrupts any drawing of 'one or more cards' instructed by a card, and allows you to perform the action of revealing the top card of your deck and deciding if you want to discard it.
4.) Main Characters are not cards. Ex: If a Main Character causes you to draw a card, Jay Garrick will not trigger.
5.) His ability can trigger multiple times for the same card. i.e. If you elect to draw a card with Bizarro [Villain] then you can perform Jay's ability for each of the two cards drawn, because they are separate instances of drawing a card.
6.) This ability triggers on being instructed to draw. It will resolve whether you actually drew the card or not. i.e. It still functions if you replace the draw or if your deck and discard pile are both empty.
7.) In general, if the discarded card was part of a set then generate a new set if you discard the top card.
8.) Ex. 1: If you play Psimon [SV, Teen Titans] then you can choose a card from the top five to discard with Jay, then you can look at one more card (so that you again look at 5) and draw and play two of them.
9.) Ex. 2: If you Defend with Black Orchid [Hero] and choose to discard your top card with Jay then you will reveal and draw the next card and gain VP equal to its VP value.

John Diggle (Crossover 2)
1.) The first persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) The next persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.
3.) The zone that Diggle will look for the Defense in is locked in after the Defense resolves, and before any other actions are taken.
4.) Ex. 01: A player Defends an Attack with Donna Troy (Confrontations) and chooses to discard another card. Diggle will allow you to put Donna on top of your deck from your hand only.
5.) Ex. 02: A player Defends an Attack with Scandal Savage (Crossover 6). Diggle will allow you to put Scandal on top of your deck from your play area only. If you choose to resolve Scandal's Ongoing ability before Diggle's trigger then you cannot put Scandal from your discard pile on top of your deck.

Kalibak (Crossover 7)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Katana (Crossover 6)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

Kendra Saunders (Dark Nights: Metal)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.
2.) You can use this ability if you control any of the following: A.) 2x Villains, B.) 2x Heroes, C.) 1x Villain and 1x Hero. They do not need to be different cards.

Kid Flash (Promo)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) His ability may be used each time you buy or gain a card; it is not limited to once per turn, etc.
3.) His ability may only be used at the time you buy or gain a card. If you individually buy three different cards from the lineup you cannot later add three cards to the lineup. You must add the card to the lineup at the proper time (you cannot add it later if you forget, etc).

Kid Flash (Promo)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) His ability may be used any number of times during your turn.
3.) His ability may only be used at the time you buy or gain a card from the Line-Up. If you individually buy three different cards from the lineup you cannot later add three cards to the lineup. You must add the card to the lineup at the proper time (you cannot add it later if you forget, etc).

Killer Frost (Crisis 3)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

Kyle Rayner (Crisis 2)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) If you use his ability, you discard the revealed cards as well.

Lex Luthor (Forever Evil)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) When checking the type of card bought/gained, check its type prior to it being bought/gained. i.e. Shapeshift is a Super Power in the line-up, and will not trigger Lex Luthor if you buy it, although it becomes a Hero once you own it.

Lightning Lad (Crossover 3)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) This looks at the first card played from hand, not necessarily the first card played that turn (in case of teamwork, etc).

Martian Manhunter (Promo)
1.) The first persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) The next persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

* Mirror Master (Crossover 5) ** Click to View Errata **
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) The most any one card will provide is +1 Power. If the first card you play is Black Orchid followed by Element Woman, you will get +1 Power because you played a Hero, Equipment or Villain after the Black Orchid. Compare to text of Wildcat [MC] which shows how Element Woman can trigger both bonuses.
3.) The activated Teamwork ability of this character cannot be used.

Mister Terrific (Crossover 1)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

Mister Terrific (Dark Nights: Metal)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.
2.) If the Weakness stack is empty, the player gains a Weakness from the reserve stack.
3.) If the reserve stack is empty this ability may not be used.

Nightwing (Crisis 4)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

Nightwing (Heroes Unite)
1.) The first persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) The next persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Nite Owl (Crossover 4)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Ocean Master (Confrontations)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Oliver Queen (Crossover 2)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Omen (Crisis 4)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Oracle (Crossover 6)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

Orion (Crossover 7)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

Ozymandias (Crossover 4)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) His ability resolves during the End of Turn Procedure when you are instructed to "Draw five cards".

Poison Ivy (Crisis 3)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Power Girl (Crossover 1)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Raven (Teen Titans)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

Raven (Teen Titans Go)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

Red Hood (Crossover 8)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

Red Robin (Crossover 8)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Red Robin (Teen Titans)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

Red Tornado (Heroes Unite)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

Red Tornado [Crisis] (Crisis 2)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Robin (Crisis 1)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) This ability overrides the normal 'fully resolve the current card, then look for anything that triggered' rule.
3.) The first time a card instructs you to draw a card, he interrupts the drawing of that card and allows you to perform the action of putting an Equipment from your discard pile into your hand instead.
4.) Main Characters are not cards. Ex: If a Main Character causes you to draw a card, Robin will not trigger.
5.) A player plays Kid Flash [Hero, Teen Titans Go] and elects to use Robin for the first of two cards to be drawn. The player cannot discard that card to Kid Flash. In this case the player would return an Equipment from their discard pile to their hand and then draw and discard the top card of their deck.
6.) You can use this ability even if there is no Equipment to return to your hand. In that case you neither return an Equipment or draw a card.
7.) If you play Bizarro [Confrontations] and replace the first draw with Robin, then you do not draw the additional card with Bizarro.
8.) If you pass on a trigger to draw a card then you cannot use this ability later in the turn because it was not used the first time you could draw a card.

Robin (Crossover 8)
1.) The first persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) The next persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Robin (Teen Titans Go)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

Saint Walker (Crisis 2)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Sara Lance (Crossover 2)
1.) The first persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) The next persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

Saturn Girl (Crossover 3)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) This looks at the first card played from hand, not necessarily the first card played that turn (in case of teamwork, etc).

Silk Spectre (Crossover 4)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

* Simon Baz (Rebirth) ** Click to View Errata **
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Sinestro (Forever Evil)
1.) The first persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) The next persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
3.) His ability triggers when you play a card and part of that card resolution involves Attacking one or more players and at least one player does not Defend that Attack.
4.) Ex. 1: A player plays Azarath [Location]. They have played an Attack card, but as no Attack occurred during the resolution of Azarath it is not possible for any foe to fail to avoid the attack and this effect will not trigger.
5.) Ex. 2: A player uses the Ongoing ability of Azarath [Location] and discards a card to Attack their foes. Player 1 is attacking their foes, but not as part of the resolution of an Attack Card, and therefore will not trigger this effect.

Sinestro (Rivals 2)
1.) The first persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) The next persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
3.) His first ability gains you one power for each Attack card you play (i.e. Azarath [Location], Laughing Gas [Equipment], etc).
4.) "An Attack you play" is playing any card which allows a player to Attack another player.
5.) Ex. 1: A player plays Azarath [Location]. They have played an Attack card and therefore this effect will give them +1 Power.
6.) His second ability triggers when one or more of your foes is Attacked and at least one player does not Defend that Attack. (You do not have to be the player making the Attack, it just has to be an Attack made during your turn.)
7.) Ex. 2: A player uses the Ongoing ability of Azarath [Location] and discards a card to Attack their foes. That player is attacking their foes, and this effect will trigger if any foe fails to avoid the Attack (only the first time each turn), however they will not get +1 Power because they did not play an Attack (they are using an ability of a card).

Skitter (Promo)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.
2.) This text should read as follows: "Once during each of your turns, if you control four or more different cards with cost 1, 2, or 3, +3 Power." Note 'four or more' instead of exactly four.

Star Sapphire (Crisis 2)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) Your options are to: leave the revealed card on top of your deck, discard it, or put it on the bottom of your deck.

Starfire (Teen Titans)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.
2.) This text should read as follows: "Once during each of your turns, if you control four or more different card types, you may destroy a card you control." Note 'four or more' instead of exactly four.

Starfire (Teen Titans Go)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

Starfire [Crisis] (Crisis 2)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Starfire [Crisis] (Crisis 4)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

Stargirl (Crossover 1)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Superboy (Teen Titans)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

Superman (Base Set)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Superman (Confrontations)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

* Superman (Dark Nights: Metal) ** Click to View Errata **
1.) The first persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.
2.) The next persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
3.) Ignore his text about Characters becoming captured.

Tempest (Crisis 4)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

The Comedian (Crossover 4)
1.) The first persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.
2.) The next persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
3.) Super Villain First Appearance Attacks do not qualify for his cost reduction. The Super Villain must have a standard attack in order for its cost to be reduced.
4.) The cost reduction applies to any card which allows a player to Attack another player.

The Flash (Dark Nights: Metal)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

The Joker (Rivals 1)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

* Trickster (Crossover 5) ** Click to View Errata **
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.
2.) This ability can be used each time a player shuffles their deck.
3.) Ex.1 : Player A is playing with both Kyle Rayner[MC] and Trickster[MC], and has two cards in their deck. At the beginning of their turn, Player A uses Kyle Rayner's ability by revealing 3 cards with different colors from their hand. Player A draws two cards and then needs to shuffle their discard pile to make a new deck so they can continue drawing. Before they shuffle, Player A may leave a card in their discard pile with Trickster, then shuffle and make a new deck, then draw the remaining three cards.
4.) If there is only one card in your discard pile, and no cards in your deck and you need to draw/reveal a card from your deck then you can opt to leave that card in your discard pile. In this case you are assumed to have drawn the card and nothing further happens with that ability.
5.) Ex.2 : A player has one card in their discard pile and no cards in their deck. The player plays Hummingbird Form [SP] and elects to leave the card in their discard pile with Trickster's ability when they would typically need to shuffle. The player does not draw a card and then discards a card as required by Hummingbird's effect.
6.) The activated Teamwork ability of this character cannot be used.

Vixen (Promo)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.
2.) You resolve her text in the order written. Ex: If you reveal Shapeshift then you will get +2 Power, then you must destroy a card in your hand, then the SV cost reduction applies and lastly you will draw a card.
3.) Her cost reduction ability refers to defeating Super-Villains or Super-Heroes in the Super-Villain stack.

* Weather Wizard (Crossover 5) ** Click to View Errata **
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.
2.) The activated Teamwork ability of this character cannot be used.

Wildcat (Crossover 1)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Wonder Girl (Teen Titans)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

Wonder Woman (Base Set)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) This is effectively the same effect as her counterpart, Lex Luthor.
3.) When checking the type of card bought/gained, check its type prior to it being bought/gained. i.e. Shapeshift is a Super Power in the line-up, and will not trigger Wonder Woman if you buy it, although it becomes a Villain once you own it.

Wonder Woman (Confrontations)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Wonder Woman (Confrontations)
1.) The first persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.
2.) The next persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
3.) Treat this MC's text as: "During your turn you are in a Confrontation. Each time you play a Defense or Block card during your turn, draw a card."

* Wonder Woman (Confrontations) ** Click to View Errata **
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Wonder Woman (Dark Nights: Metal)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.
2.) You can use this ability if you control any of the following: A.) 2x Equipment, B.) 2x Super Powers, C.) 1x Equipment and 1x Super Power. They do not need to be different cards.

Wonder Woman [Crisis] (Crisis 1)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Zatanna Zatara (Confrontations)
1.) The first persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.
2.) The next persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
3.) With the exception of during the draft, and while shuffling your deck, this ability can be used at any time, including while another ability is resolving.
4.) Ex.1 A player plays The Flash [SuperHero, Forever Evil]. That player can draw 3 cards and then look at the top card of their deck before discarding a card. Doing so will cause them to shuffle their deck between drawing and discarding if their deck is empty at that time.

Zatanna Zatara (Confrontations)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Zatanna Zatara (Confrontations)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

Zatanna Zatara (Crisis 1)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

Super Villains Rulings:

Arkillo - Impossible Mode (Crisis 2)
(No current rulings)

Batman (Forever Evil)
1.) The choice of which cards to play most be declared before beginning to play the first one. Cards played this way can be played in any order and the order does not need to be specified. Once they have resolved, put them on the bottom of the main deck in the order of your choice. The order they are place on the bottom of the main deck is known to all players.

Black Lantern Superman - Impossible Mode (Crisis 2)
1.) You must play every Super Power in the chosen player's discard pile; you cannot pick and choose which to play. Cards played this way can be played in any order and the order does not need to be specified. They are played one at a time, and return to that player's discard pile together after they have all been played.

* Blackfire (Teen Titans) ** Click to View Errata **
(No current rulings)

Blackfire - Impossible Mode (Crisis 4)
(No current rulings)

Brother Blood (Teen Titans Go)
(No current rulings)

Cheshire - Impossible Mode (Crisis 4)
(No current rulings)

Constantine (Forever Evil)
1.) If you destroy a card worth negative VP (i.e. Weakness, etc) you will lose that much VP.

Control Freak (Teen Titans Go)
1.) Treat this card text as: "+3 Power and draw a card." (This is because a player cannot have a side-kick on their team.)

* Deathstroke (Base Set) ** Click to View Errata **
(No current rulings)

Doomsday - Impossible Mode (Crisis 2)
1.) The FAA effect that destroys the defense will always happen. Before resolving the Defense ability, destroy the Defense (if it's a card ability). Any triggers from destroying the Defense will trigger, and can be resolved after the Defense ability has resolved.
2.) If you use a Teamworked Ongoing to Defend this FAA it will be returned to the top of it's owners deck (Doomsday will not destroy it).
3.) His effect of Destroying a Defense will not Destroy an MC if it is used to Defend the First Appearance Attack. i.e. Sinestro [Crisis 3, MC], Green Lantern [Crisis 1, MC], etc

* Gentleman Ghost (Crossover 1) ** Click to View Errata **
(No current rulings)

Gizmo (Teen Titans Go)
(No current rulings)

Green Arrow (Forever Evil)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

Green Lantern (Forever Evil)
1.) The choice of which cards to play most be declared before beginning to play the first one. Cards played this way can be played in any order and the order does not need to be specified. Once they have resolved, put them on the bottom of the main deck in the order of your choice. The order they are place on the bottom of the main deck is known to all players.

H'el - Impossible Mode (Crisis 2)
(No current rulings)

* Helspont (Heroes Unite) ** Click to View Errata **
(No current rulings)

* Helspont - Impossible Mode (Crisis 2) ** Click to View Errata **
1.) You must play every card of the chosen cost in the Line-Up; you cannot pick and choose which to play. Cards played this way can be played in any order and the order does not need to be specified. They are played one at a time, and return to the Line-Up together after they have all been played.

* Isabel Rochev (Crossover 2) ** Click to View Errata **
(No current rulings)

Jinx (Teen Titans Go)
(No current rulings)

* Johnny Quick - Impossible Mode (Crisis 3) ** Click to View Errata **
(No current rulings)

Mongul - Impossible Mode (Crisis 2)
1.) If the Attack is avoided, the player will gain Weaknesses as if it were the final instructions of the defense ability.

* Mordru the Merciless (Crossover 1) ** Click to View Errata **
(No current rulings)

* Owlman - Impossible Mode (Crisis 3) ** Click to View Errata **
(No current rulings)

Ra's Al Ghul (Base Set)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) This card is only placed at the bottom of its owner's deck if it was played that turn.

* Ra's Al Ghul - Impossible Mode (Crisis 1) ** Click to View Errata **
(No current rulings)

Shazam! (Forever Evil)
1.) Playing this card consists of 4 steps: 1.) Gain the top two cards of the main deck and put them into your discard pile. 2.) Choose one of those cards and play it. 3.) Play the other card if it is still in your discard pile. 4.) Choose one of the two cards that is in the zone it resolved in and destroy it.

* Slade Wilson - Impossible Mode (Crisis 4) ** Click to View Errata **
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Superwoman - Impossible Mode (Crisis 3)
(No current rulings)

Terra (Teen Titans)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.
2.) The card must be in your play area in order to destroy it. This applies to both her Ongoing and her FAA ability.

Terra - Impossible Mode (Crisis 4)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

* The Calculator (Crossover 6) ** Click to View Errata **
(No current rulings)

Ultra-Humanite (Crossover 1)
(No current rulings)

Vandal Savage (Heroes Unite)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

* Vandal Savage - Impossible Mode (Crisis 2) ** Click to View Errata **
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

Wonder Woman (Forever Evil)
1.) The choice of which cards to play most be declared before beginning to play the first one. Cards played this way can be played in any order and the order does not need to be specified. Once they have resolved, put them on the bottom of the main deck in the order of your choice. The order they are place on the bottom of the main deck is known to all players.

Game Cards Rulings:

Aerie One (Crossover 6)
(No current rulings)

Air-Walk Shoes (Crossover 5)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Amanda Waller (Forever Evil)
(No current rulings)

Ancient Map (Crisis 4)
1.) The first persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.
2.) The next persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

Animal Man (Confrontations)
1.) This effect applies to cards played before or after it.

Aqualad (Teen Titans)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

Aquaman's Trident (Base Set)
1.) You cannot put a card you bought or gained before playing this on top of your deck.
2.) This effect triggers upon buying or gaining a card and must be used at that time if you wish to put the card on top of your deck.
3.) This effect applies to cards bought or gained after it is played.

* Ares (Confrontations) ** Click to View Errata **
(No current rulings)

* Arisia (Rivals 2) ** Click to View Errata **
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) This card does not adhere to dependency rules the way other cards typically do. The game will remember whether this card has been discarded no matter what zones it moves though, etc. This is a special rule that allows this card to function as intended, and will not allow its ability to trigger more than once each turn.

Arkham Asylum (Base Set)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

* Arkillo (Rivals 2) ** Click to View Errata **
(No current rulings)

Artemis (Confrontations)
(No current rulings)

Astro-Harness (Crossover 7)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

* Atlantis (Crisis 2) ** Click to View Errata **
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Atomica (Forever Evil)
(No current rulings)

Azarath Metrion Zinthos (Teen Titans)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

B'DG (Rivals 2)
1.) This effect checks for cards played before it is played.

Bane (Base Set)
(No current rulings)

Bane (Crossover 8)
1.) When using the Ninjutsu ability: reveal the top card of each opponent's deck and play them in the order of your choice; each card must be played. While playing these cards, if any of the cards revealed by this ability are moved to another zone without being played (i.e. b/c you played someone's Despotellis [Villain] and discarded a revealed card, etc) then reveal another card from that player's deck. Cards played this way can be played in any order and the order does not need to be specified.

Bane (Rivals 1)
(No current rulings)

Batarang (Rivals 1)
(No current rulings)

* Batmobile (Rebirth) ** Click to View Errata **
1.) The first persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.
2.) The next persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
3.) Although a player cannot have Movement points, you can still discard a card (for no effect) with this cards ability.
4.) Although gaining Move typically does not benefit a player, this card can still be used to discard a card; perhaps to gain a VP from Black Mask [Villain], etc.

Batmobile (Rivals 1)
1.) This effect checks for cards played before it is played.

Batwoman (Rivals 1)
(No current rulings)

Bedovian (Rivals 2)
(No current rulings)

Biometric Exo-Suit (Crisis 4)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Birdarangs (Teen Titans Go)
(No current rulings)

Bizarro Power (Forever Evil)
1.) The player who plays this card gains a Weakness before the Attack happens.

Black Lantern Aquaman (Crisis 2)
(No current rulings)

Black Manta (Confrontations)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) This effect applies to cards played before or after it.

Black Mask (Crisis 3)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) This triggers when discarded to a card effect. It does not trigger if discarded to an MC ability.

Blackbriar Thorn (Confrontations)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) This effect applies to cards played before or after it.

Blackgate Prison (Forever Evil)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

Blank (Crisis 4)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

Blaster (Teen Titans Go)
(No current rulings)

Blue Devil (Confrontations)
(No current rulings)

Bolt Of Zeus (Rebirth)
(No current rulings)

* Boodikka (Rivals 2) ** Click to View Errata **
(No current rulings)

Book of Magic (Confrontations)
(No current rulings)

Book of Parallax (Rivals 2)
(No current rulings)

Brainiac Drones (Multiverse)
1.) Treat this card text as: "+1 Power and draw a card. You may add the top card of the main deck to the Line-Up."

Brother Blood (Heroes Unite)
(No current rulings)

Brutal Chase (Dark Nights: Metal)
(No current rulings)

Bulletproof (Base Set)
(No current rulings)

Bumblebee (Teen Titans)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

Canary Cry (Heroes Unite)
(No current rulings)

* Captain Atom (Crisis 1) ** Click to View Errata **
(No current rulings)

Carol Ferris (Rivals 2)
(No current rulings)

Carter Hall (Dark Nights: Metal)
(No current rulings)

Cassie Sandsmark (Teen Titans)
(No current rulings)

Chaselon (Rivals 2)
(No current rulings)

Cheetah (Base Set)
(No current rulings)

Cheetah Form (Teen Titans Go)
(No current rulings)

Cinderblock (Teen Titans)
(No current rulings)

Cloak of Raven (Teen Titans)
(No current rulings)

Commissioner Gordon (Forever Evil)
(No current rulings)

* Commissioner Gordon (Rivals 1) ** Click to View Errata **
(No current rulings)

Construct Beasts (Rivals 2)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) This effect applies to attacks made before or after it.

Construct Jet (Rivals 2)
(No current rulings)

Construct Missiles (Rivals 2)
(No current rulings)

* Construct Slam (Rivals 2) ** Click to View Errata **
(No current rulings)

Construct Train (Rivals 2)
(No current rulings)

Constructs (Rebirth)
(No current rulings)

Constructs of Fear (Forever Evil)
(No current rulings)

Crimson Whirlwind (Heroes Unite)
1.) The cards put into your discard pile are not considered to have been discarded from your deck.

Crystal Shield (Crisis 2)
(No current rulings)

Cyborg (Rebirth)
(No current rulings)

Daughter of Gotham City (Heroes Unite)
(No current rulings)

Dead King's Sceptor (Confrontations)
(No current rulings)

Deadman (Confrontations)
(No current rulings)

Deathstroke (Dark Nights: Metal)
(No current rulings)

Demonic Influence (Teen Titans)
(No current rulings)

Despotellis (Rivals 2)
(No current rulings)

Detonator (Teen Titans)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.
2.) If you use this cards ability and it is the only card in your discard pile, it will destroy itself.

Die For Darkseid (Crossover 7)
(No current rulings)

Dionesium (Dark Nights: Metal)
(No current rulings)

Doctor Destiny (Confrontations)
(No current rulings)

Doctor Fate (Confrontations)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) This effect applies to cards bought or gained after it is played.

Donna Troy (Crisis 4)
(No current rulings)

Doomsday (Base Set)
(No current rulings)

Doomsday (Confrontations)
(No current rulings)

Dr. Light (Teen Titans Go)
(No current rulings)

Dr. Mid-Nite (Crossover 1)
(No current rulings)

Dr. Sivana (Heroes Unite)
(No current rulings)

Element Woman (Forever Evil)
1.) This card counts as all of the card types listed any time she is in your hand, deck, discard pile, or in play.
2.) If a card effect requires two or more different card types, she will count as each type and fulfill as many of the requirements as she is able to.
3.) She will trigger all abilities of Vixen [Main Character] if revealed with her ability.
4.) If you have Mirror Master as one of your MCs, and the first card you play is Black Orchid followed by Element Woman, you will get +1 Power. Compare to text of Wildcat [MC] which clearly states how Element Woman can trigger both bonuses.
5.) Although she may have all of the listed types, she does not gain the color typically associated with those types. i.e. She remains a blue card even though she is also a villain which is typically red, etc.

Emerald Knight (Base Set)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type C; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) This effect causes the card being played to be moved to the play zone until the end of turn.

Energy Absorption (Teen Titans)
(No current rulings)

Engulfing Flames (Crossover 5)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Escape (Dark Nights: Metal)
(No current rulings)

Escrima Sticks (Crisis 2)
(No current rulings)

Expert Marksman (Forever Evil)
(No current rulings)

Extendable Head (Teen Titans Go)
(No current rulings)

Fear (Rivals 2)
(No current rulings)

Flashpoint Wonder Woman (Multiverse)
(No current rulings)

Force Field (Heroes Unite)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Fortress of Solitude (Base Set)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

* Geokinesis (Teen Titans) ** Click to View Errata **
(No current rulings)

Giganta (Confrontations)
(No current rulings)

Girder (Crossover 5)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Girl Power (Crossover 1)
1.) If you reveal this card when you are attacked, you choose to discard this card or discard a Punch to avoid the attack. No matter which you discard, you draw a card.

Gizmo (Teen Titans)
(No current rulings)

Globe of Transportation (Confrontations)
(No current rulings)

Gorilla Grodd (Base Set)
(No current rulings)

Gotham City Docks (Promo)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

Grant Wilson (Teen Titans)
(No current rulings)

* Grappling Hook (Rivals 1) ** Click to View Errata **
(No current rulings)

Green Lantern Power Battery (Rivals 2)
(No current rulings)

Green Lantern Power Ring (Heroes Unite)
1.) This card is considered to be a Power Ring.

Green Lantern Power Ring (Rivals 2)
1.) This card is considered to be a Power Ring.
2.) Refer to the Construct keyword (in the definitions section) when determining legal targets for the Defense ability.

Grid (Forever Evil)
(No current rulings)

* Guy Gardner (Rivals 2) ** Click to View Errata **
(No current rulings)

* Harley Quinn (Rivals 1) ** Click to View Errata **
(No current rulings)

Heat Vision (Base Set)
(No current rulings)

Helmet of Fate (Heroes Unite)
(No current rulings)

Hermes (Confrontations)
1.) You may choose up to two cards total from the specified zone.
2.) You can stack the chosen cards in the order of your choice.

* High-Tech Hero (Base Set) ** Click to View Errata **
1.) This effect applies to cards played before or after it.

Homicidal Maniac (Rivals 1)
(No current rulings)

House of Mystery (Crisis 1)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Hugo Strange (Rivals 1)
(No current rulings)

Hummingbird Form (Teen Titans Go)
(No current rulings)

Huntress (Crossover 2)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) This effect applies to cards bought or gained after it is played.

Huntress (Rivals 1)
(No current rulings)

Indigo Tribe Power Ring (Heroes Unite)
1.) This card is considered to be a Power Ring.
2.) This will add the actual amount of power given by a card you played earlier in the turn. Example: You had 4 VP and played Man-Bat Serum earlier in the turn, giving you +4 power. You now have 6 VP and play Indigo Tribe Power Ring; you will get +4 power if you choose the Man-Bat Serum.
3.) If you play Kyle Rayner [Heroes Unite] and then Indigo Tribe Power Ring, choosing Kyle Rayner will only be worth +3 Power (not 5 Power because the Indigo Ring has not yet resolved), and Indigo will not change the Power it provides after Kyle receives the extra bonus for playing the Power Ring.
4.) This effect applies to cards played prior to this card.

Inertia (Teen Titans)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

Infinity Island (Crisis 4)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) If you discard this from play, it cannot use its own ability to return it to your hand. i.e. You play Silent Armor and choose to discard this. It will not return itself to your hand with its own ability.
3.) If this card triggers because multiple Ongoings entered your discard pile at the same time then you may return one of them.
4.) This checks the first Ongoing that enters your discard pile each turn (not the first one that enters after this card is in play).

Insanity (Rivals 1)
(No current rulings)

Interceptor (Rivals 2)
1.) You can swap cards between both zones, even if one zone has no cards in it.

Invulnerable (Forever Evil)
1.) No matter which version you are playing with, this text should read as follows: "+1 Power. Defense: You may reveal this card from your hand. If you do, discard it or destroy a Vulnerability in your hand or discard pile to avoid an Attack."

Jaime Reyes (Teen Titans)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) This does not count as an Ongoing card while it is in play due to the effect of its Defense ability, though you do control it.
3.) During your next turn, you can play this card at any time, using the same timing restrictions you would as if it were in your hand. If you do not play it, it should be discarded at the end of turn like any other non-Ongoing card.

Jason Blood (Heroes Unite)
(No current rulings)

Jayna (Teen Titans Go)
(No current rulings)

Jessica Cruz (Rebirth)
(No current rulings)

Jetpack (Teen Titans Go)
(No current rulings)

Jinx (Teen Titans)
(No current rulings)

John Constantine (Crisis 1)
(No current rulings)

Johnny Quick (Forever Evil)
(No current rulings)

Jump City (Teen Titans Go)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Kalibak (Crossover 7)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.
2.) As long as this card is in play, you can choose to discard a card for +1 Power any number of times during your turn.

Katana (Heroes Unite)
(No current rulings)

Kick (Base Set)
1.) No matter which version you are playing with, this card is assumed to be from the Base Set.
2.) Players may only buy one Kick from the Kick stack during each of their turns.

Kid Flash (Base Set)
(No current rulings)

Killer Croc (Heroes Unite)
1.) This effect applies to cards played before or after it.

Killer Frost (Crisis 1)
(No current rulings)

* Killing Joke (Rivals 1) ** Click to View Errata **
(No current rulings)

King of Atlantis (Base Set)
(No current rulings)

Knockout (Crossover 6)
(No current rulings)

Krypto (Confrontations)
(No current rulings)

* Krypto (Rebirth) ** Click to View Errata **
(No current rulings)

Kryptonite (Confrontations)
1.) Discarding a Weakness is not optional and a player has to reveal their hand to prove that they do not have one.

Kyle Rayner (Heroes Unite)
1.) The first persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) The next persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
3.) Each Shapeshift is considered to be a unique Power Ring. If you play the same Shapeshift multiple times, or if you play multiple Shapeshifts during the same turn, each is considered to be a different Power Ring.
4.) When playing a Shapeshift, you do not need to announce which unique Power Ring you are considering it to be, it will trigger Kyle Rayner regardless. i.e. When playing Shapeshift you do not need to announce that it is a Green Lantern Power Ring, etc; you will get the 2 Power from it.
5.) If a Plastic Man copies a Shapeshift then it is considered to be a Power Ring. You do not need to announce which unique Power Ring you are considering it to be, it will trigger Kyle Rayner regardless.
6.) If a player wins the game with his ability, proceed to step 2 of the End of Game procedures. Any unresolved triggers are lost, etc. You are considered to be the player in 1st place, regardless of any VP count or tiebreakers.
7.) No matter which version you are playing with, this text should read as follows: "+3 Power. For each different Power Ring in your discard pile or that you play or have played this turn, +2 Power. If you play or have played three different Power Rings this turn, you win the game."
8.) This effect applies to cards played before or after it. The discard pile is only checked when the card is played.

Lady Vic (Teen Titans)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

Lasso of Truth (Base Set)
(No current rulings)

Laughing Gas (Rivals 1)
(No current rulings)

Legion Flight Ring (Crossover 3)
(No current rulings)

Legion Flight Ring (Heroes Unite)
(No current rulings)

Liberty Belle (Crossover 1)
(No current rulings)

Mad Mod (Teen Titans)
(No current rulings)

Madame Xanadu (Confrontations)
(No current rulings)

* Magic Bracelets (Confrontations) ** Click to View Errata **
(No current rulings)

Magic Bracers (Teen Titans)
(No current rulings)

Mammoth (Teen Titans)
(No current rulings)

Million Monkey Maneuver (Crossover 8)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type C; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) You have two options when playing this card: Play a non-Ongoing card from the Line-Up, or destroy a Colony of Bats that you control to gain a set-aside Batman God. If you do not control a Colony of Bats you must play a non-Ongoing from the Line-Up.

Mind Control Hat (Heroes Unite)
1.) You can play all Heroes and Villains in the Line-Up, or none of them. If you choose to play them, you must play them all; you cannot pick and choose which to play. Cards played this way can be played in any order and the order does not need to be specified. They are played one at a time, and return to the Line-Up together after they have all been played.
2.) The cards you can play in the line up are locked in when you begin resolving this effect. If cards are added or removed from the line up while this card is resolving you cannot play those cards.
3.) This effect applies to cards played before or after it.

Mirror Images (Crossover 5)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Mogo (Rivals 2)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Molecular Vibration (Teen Titans)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

Monument Point (Crossover 1)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Moscow (Multiverse)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) If Moscow is not in play when the second card resolves, then the ability to draw with Moscow this turn is lost. It will not trigger if later put into play that turn.

Mr. Zsasz (Heroes Unite)
(No current rulings)

Nax (Rivals 2)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) This effect applies to attacks made before or after it.

Nereus (Confrontations)
(No current rulings)

New Titans Tower (Teen Titans)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) Playing this card will trigger itself.

Nth Metal (Base Set)
(No current rulings)

Nth Metal Mace (Crisis 2)
(No current rulings)

Oa (Rivals 2)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

Ocean Master (Heroes Unite)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) If you play Ocean Master [Villain] and then Magic [Super Power] it, you can destroy two cards because each instance of Ocean Master triggers.
3.) This effect applies to cards played before or after it.

Olympus (Confrontations)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type B; meaning it can be used at the player's discretion.

Omen (Crisis 4)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

* Orion (Confrontations) ** Click to View Errata **
(No current rulings)

Phantom Zone Projector (Dark Nights: Metal)
(No current rulings)

* Phobia (Teen Titans) ** Click to View Errata **
1.) The player(s) being attacked must discard into their own discard pile (unless playing 2v2 in which case they can discard into their teammates discard pile).

Plasmus (Teen Titans)
(No current rulings)

Poison Ivy (Base Set)
1.) The person who discards the card is the person who is causing the card(s) to be discarded, not the player who is playing this card.

Porthole to Nowhere (Crisis 3)
(No current rulings)

Power of the Green (Heroes Unite)
1.) This puts cards into play, but the card put into play is not considered to have been played and will not trigger any effects from having played the Location.

Power Ring (Base Set)
1.) This card is considered to be a Power Ring.

Punch (Base Set)
1.) No matter which version you are playing with, this card is assumed to be from the Base Set.

Rabid Robin (Dark Nights: Metal)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type C; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) If there are no Weaknesses on the regular stack then take one from the reserve stack.
3.) Buying this card triggers its ability, causing you to gain a Weakness.

Ragman (Confrontations)
(No current rulings)

Raven (Heroes Unite)
(No current rulings)

Reach Scarab (Teen Titans)
(No current rulings)

Red Lantern Corps (Heroes Unite)
(No current rulings)

Red Robin (Rivals 1)
(No current rulings)

Salaak (Rivals 2)
(No current rulings)

* Scientific Genius (Confrontations) ** Click to View Errata **
(No current rulings)

Scythe (Crossover 1)
1.) Revealing a Starter is optional and a player does not have to reveal their hand to prove that they do not have one.

Search The Depths (Dark Nights: Metal)
1.) Your options are to: leave the card on the bottom of your deck, discard it, or put it on top of your deck.

Secret Society Communicator (Forever Evil)
(No current rulings)

Shields Up (Rebirth)
1.) Treat this card's text as: +2 Power. Defense: You may discard this card to avoid an Attack. If you do, draw a card.

Silent Armor (Teen Titans)
1.) Ex. 1) A player controls The Batcave [Location, Base Set] and plays Silent Armor [Equipment, Teen Titans]. The player chooses to discard The Batcave to Silent Armor. The player will not draw a card from having played an Equipment because The Batcave is not in play when Silent Armor resolves.
2.) Ex. 2) A player plays Sea King [IM SV, Crisis 3] and then plays Clayface [Villain, Base Set], choosing to play Sea King again. The player then plays Silent Armor [Equipment, Teen Titans], discarding Sea King. The player now has 2 Power, and no longer has Sea King's ability to put cards bought or gained on top of their deck.

Simon Baz (Rebirth)
(No current rulings)

Sinestro Corps Power Rings (Rivals 2)
1.) This card is considered to be a Power Ring.

Sinestro Power Battery (Rivals 2)
(No current rulings)

Skeets (Heroes Unite)
(No current rulings)

Sledgehammer (Forever Evil)
(No current rulings)

Solomon Grundy (Base Set)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) No matter which version you are playing with, this text should read as follows: "When you buy or gain this card, you may put it on top of your deck. +3 Power."

Solstice (Teen Titans)
(No current rulings)

Sonic Siren (Heroes Unite)
(No current rulings)

Sons of Trigon (Teen Titans)
(No current rulings)

Soranik Natu (Rivals 2)
(No current rulings)

Soultaker Sword (Heroes Unite)
(No current rulings)

Star Sapphire (Crisis 2)
(No current rulings)

Star Sapphire Power Ring (Heroes Unite)
1.) This card is considered to be a Power Ring.
2.) If a revealed card has multiple types, and one of those types is shared by the other card then you cannot draw them; you must put them back in any order. I.e. if you reveal Element Woman and Kick, you must put them back on top of your deck.

Static (Teen Titans)
(No current rulings)

Steel (Forever Evil)
(No current rulings)

Steppenwolf (Crossover 7)
(No current rulings)

* Strength of the Gods (Confrontations) ** Click to View Errata **
(No current rulings)

Super Intellect (Forever Evil)
(No current rulings)

Super Strength (Teen Titans Go)
(No current rulings)

Superboy (Heroes Unite)
(No current rulings)

Superboy (Teen Titans Go)
(No current rulings)

Superman (Dark Nights: Metal)
1.) This ability only allows you to discard Weakness cards you have in play. You cannot discard Weakness cards from other zones (i.e. your hand, etc).

* Superman (Rivals 1) ** Click to View Errata **
(No current rulings)

T-Spheres (Crossover 1)
1.) You choose a card name when playing this card, not a card type.

Tactile Telekinesis (Teen Titans)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) Playing this card will trigger itself.

* Talia Al Ghul (Rivals 1) ** Click to View Errata **
(No current rulings)

Tar Pit (Crossover 5)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) You may choose A.) One card from your hand, B.) One card from your discard pile, or C.) One card from your hand and one card from your discard pile.

Tegrof! (Confrontations)
(No current rulings)

Telepathy (Confrontations)
(No current rulings)

Teleportation (Heroes Unite)
(No current rulings)

The Bat-Signal (Base Set)
(No current rulings)

The Batcave (Base Set)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

The Blight (Forever Evil)
(No current rulings)

The Demon Etrigan (Heroes Unite)
(No current rulings)

The Fastest Man Alive (Base Set)
(No current rulings)

The Hourglass (Crossover 1)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) If you choose a card, you will end up with one more card in hand then you otherwise would have if you did not played this card. (i.e If you would normally discard your hand and draw five cards then you will discard your hand, then return the chosen card to your hand and then draw five cards.
3.) If you choose a card, it is put into your hand prior to drawing your new hand.
4.) In order for the card to be put into your hand, it must still be in the zone it resolved in.
5.) You can choose a card that you ninjutsu'ed this turn as long as it is has not left the Line-Up since resolving.
6.) You can choose a card that you destroyed with its own ability this turn, such as Batman [Thomas Wayne], as long as it is has not left the destroyed zone since resolving.
7.) This effect applies to cards played prior to this card.

The Others (Confrontations)
1.) The cards are all discarded at the same time. You then draw cards equal to the total number you discarded.
2.) Ex. 1: You discard this card, plus two Punches. You will draw three cards.

The Penguin (Base Set)
(No current rulings)

The Rot (Crisis 1)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

The Trench (Confrontations)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) This effect applies to cards played before or after it.

The Watchtower (Base Set)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Titans Memorial (Teen Titans)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Titans Together (Crisis 4)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Titans Tower (Base Set)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Tomb of Hath-Set (Dark Nights: Metal)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) No matter how many cards are in your hand, you may use this ability at the start of your turn. (This includes having no cards in hand.)

Twin Destroyers of Azarath (Teen Titans Go)
1.) The 'non-Weakness' clause refers to the card name. i.e. An opponent cannot choose to destroy a Shapeshift in their hand.

Two-Face (Base Set)
(No current rulings)

* Utility Belt (Rivals 1) ** Click to View Errata **
(No current rulings)

Vibe (Forever Evil)
(No current rulings)

Victor Zsasz (Rivals 1)
(No current rulings)

Vixen (Crossover 6)
1.) If you gain Scandal Savage (Villain) with this ability you will have to discard it because of Scandal Savage's effect.
2.) This ability does not cause you to play the card, so if you choose Mara Al Ghul (Villain) you will not get +2 Power as you normally would if you were playing it.

Vulnerability (Base Set)
1.) No matter which version you are playing with, this card is assumed to be from the Base Set.

Wally West (Crisis 4)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.

Water Control (Confrontations)
(No current rulings)

Waterbearer (Crisis 4)
1.) The persistent/ongoing ability is type A; meaning it triggers when the condition is met.
2.) This effect applies to the next Ongoing card bought or gained after it is played.

Weakness (Base Set)
1.) Any card that originated from the Weakness stack has the type "Weakness".
2.) No matter which version you are playing with, this card is assumed to be from the Base Set.
3.) Weakness cards go to the destroyed zone when they are destroyed, the same as any other card typically does. They do not return to the Weakness stack when they are destroyed.
4.) When an effect references a "Weakness" (i.e. Fair Play [Super Power], Kryptonite [Equipment], etc) it means a card whose name is Weakness (not a card with the type Weakness).

Weakness (Reserve Stack) (Base Set)
(No current rulings)

Whirlwind (Heroes Unite)
1.) This effect checks for cards played before it is played.

Wonder of the Knight (Heroes Unite)
(No current rulings)

Ya'Wara (Confrontations)
(No current rulings)

Yellow Lantern Corps Power Ring (Heroes Unite)
1.) This card is considered to be a Power Ring.

You Have Failed This City (Crossover 2)
(No current rulings)

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